Friday, May 27, 2016

Clinton Scandals

As usual, the Clinton's are always surrounded with one scandal or another that goes all the way back to their time in Arkansas.  Whitewater, Rose Law firm files missing and today the Email scandal that seems to haunt Hillary throughout the last two years.  We have seen Hillary being removed from the Whitewater commission for lying and still today, one lie after another.   But, since the Clinton's are the darling of the left leaning media, they can get away with this.  

In the past few days, Operation Fast and Furious has raised its ugly head again.  It was reported that at least 69 deaths from drug cartels have been caused by guns purchased from this failed program.  Now we must all understand that Operation Fast and Furious was concocted as a scheme to restrict the 2nd Amendment in this country. That is, it was apparent in Speeches from Obama and Hillary in March 2009 that they were laying the ground work for a report to show that guns purchased in the United States were being used in criminal acts in Mexico and we need legislation to restrict possession and sale of firearms.  Fortunately, this was blown open and Hillary, Obama and Eric Holder had to change their stories and even Obama played dumb on this plan.  But then again, he always plays dumb on all his schemes that go bust and are reported to the public.  The usual response from Obama is “I read it in the paper and did not know”.  And this man was re-elected. 

This is only a continuation of lies from this administration and Hillary as we have seen in the NSA spying on Americans, IRS going after conservative groups, Libya government overthrow. Benghazi, Russian reset button, Iran nuclear deal, Clinton Criminal Foundation and Obamacare to just name a few lies from Hillary and company.  Now with Hillary Emails coming out in drips and drabs, the lies continue.  Hillary hopes the voters will ignore her lies and corruption and vote her president.  I have always written that at least 50% of the voters are dumb and 25% clueless.  I hope the voters prove me wrong.  Not that Trump is a savior, but he is successful business person, whether you support him or not, and if he decides to surround himself with great people he will be a success as president.  The only problem I see is will he surround himself with those who are smarter then him on certain issues, both foreign and domestic?  We will wait and see and hopefully an answer before November. 

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