Friday, May 27, 2016

Did Obama Apologize?

I guess it all depends on what side of the political spectrum you are on.  For those of us who actually were taught history, we understand based on all the number crunches out there, that we may have had a casualty number of one million plus for us.  This was based on the military experience in the casualties suffered on the small islands we invaded as compared invading the island of Japan, their home country.  

So it will all depend on how one interprets the president’s words in his speech.  Having the heard the speech numerous times, I believe it appeared a veiled attempt at an apology without actually apologizing.  We know President Apologizer has been doing this around the world since he took office.  Of course, since we are celebrating Memorial Day this weekend, where we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy the freedoms we have, it is fitting in the president’s anti-US feelings, that he use this weekend for his speech.  I say that because this president and his so called advisors believe the United States is responsible for all the problems in the world.  Of course we are talking about a president that was not educated in his early years in this country, but educated in his formative years in Indonesia, not exactly pro American at that time.  Understand that, and you understand why he says and does what he does.  Why he is anti-Israel and anti-Great Britain since his father believe this also.  This is why his book was named “Dreams of my Father” and not “Dreams from my Father”.   He is pursuing his father’s dream and our country is where his anger is expressed.  Remember, “Fundamentally Transform Our Country”.  His socialism and spending have given us the nearly $20 Trillion debt, Obamacare that gets more expensive every few months and our military is being guttered.  He is accomplishing what he set out to do.  Now in the next few months remaining he will move against citizens owning guns and the 2nd Amendment be dammed.  It seems as a population, we have forgotten the constitution can only be changed through the amendment process, not through Executive orders, agency directives, DOJ harassment or congressional legislation.  

I have nothing against the people of Japan today and do drive a Japanese vehicle.  We know from history though, that the Japanese people believed Hirohito was a God and many may have been unwittingly involved in the military conflict with Korea, China, Great Britain and the United States.  Not every citizen in Japan was a war promoter, but it may be cruel to say this, but we did not start the war, we did not bomb Pearl Harbor, invade Korea or China as well as all the islands in the Pacific all the way to Australia.  So, we responded the only way that would save our lives and our allies by dropping the A-bomb.   To be blunt, they started it, we finished it.  Case closed.  Hopefully, we will never see another nuclear bomb dropped on anyone in the future. 

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