Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Obama says "IN YOUR FACE"

We had Fast and Furious, Benghazi, AP, James Rosen and IRS scandal and with the coming appointment Susan Rice and the Jewish racist Stephanie Powers as UN Ambassador nominee, Pres. Obama is telling the Republicans and the citizens, "screw you, I am the President and will do what I want".  It is time for all Republicans to stand and fight or wimp out.  The choice is theirs  

No additional funding for Obamacare, IRS. 

Put forth a one page bill on eliminating the current income tax to a FLAT TAX of 17% for all including businesses with limited deductions.  This one flax tax would also pay for SS and Medicare.  Deductions for charity donations, religious organizations and 50% of mortgage taxies.  Nothing else.  With the current IRS scandal, the America people would rally around this bill and let's see what the democrats and the president will do.  The tax could take effect on Jan 1, 2014 and the current IRS as we know it eliminated on Dec. 31, 2014.  Very few employees would be needed to enforce the new tax law.  One page is all that is needed, no special deductions for friends and everyone pays their fair share regardless of income.  Of course, we could eliminate the mortgage deduction all together, but no more than 50% since this would be fair for those who do not have a mortgage.   

It is time to do to Obama what he is doing to the Republicans.  Pass legislation that will put the democrats on the defensive and the citizens will like.  It is time to go on the offensive not through words, that have no meaning, but through actions that the public can see and read.  The least number of pages in a bill, the better the public will support.  NO AMENDMENTS ADDED TO THE LEGISLATION.  ALL REJECTED JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DO. 

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