Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Something to Consider

With the ongoing scandals in this administration that include, Benghazi, AP, IRS, Fox News spying by DOJ, and the denials by all those in this administration that they did not know, were not informed, were out of the loop, it was a subordinate that did all this (unidentified and unknown) and we will get to the bottom of this.  Well we know higher ups in the IRS were deeply involved in going after conservative groups, the DOJ and AG Eric Holder was deeply involved in the AP and Fox news spying and AG Holder did lie to Congress under oath on May 15 and the both Hillary Clinton and Pres. Obama were deeply involved in the Benghazi coverup to protect their political careers and the upcoming election of 2012 as well as Hillary's chances for 2016.  We know this administration, using the FBI, Homeland Security and the Secret Service were deeply involved in the raid on Gibson Guitar over 2 years ago because they were using wood from India that had received all government approval from both India and the U.S.  But we also know the owner gave large donations to republican causes while guitar maker CJ Martin who used the same wood and gave large donations to democratic causes received no such attention nor was his company raided by SWAT teams from government agencies.   

With all this information out there, if someone would take the time to investigate, we can say with certainty that nobody in this administration has a bowel movement without Pres. Obama's approval.  You can also rest assured that Valerie Jarrett and Rahm Emanuel were and are deeply involved in this government tyranny.  Tyranny, by the way, we were involved in WWII and destroyed as well as a long cold war with the then Iron Curtain countries where tyranny was supreme.  This tyranny has now come to our shores and has infected all agencies in our government where dissent makes you a subject of federal government investigation.  After all, how dare anyone or group disagree with Pres. Obama's administration since we all know he walks on water and can do no wrong.  Of course, they originally said the same thing about Hitler, Stalin, Castro and others heading up similar tyrannical regimes.  It is just that it took longer to infiltrate our schools and indoctrinate our students and take over most of the news media where most reporting must meet the approval of the Obama administration.  Except Fox news and other conservative voices that seem to become subjects of additional scrutiny.  If history is studied, we know those who remain silent today under such tyranny, will be silenced completely in the coming years.  And, at that time when people realize what has happened, history has shown that it will be approximately 70 years before the people gain back what they have lost.   Regardless of your age, either speak up now, or lose what was given to us in 1776, something the world never saw before and may never see again.  To say, I am too old or this is not really happening and it is just conspiracy talk, well remember they said the same thing when Stalin and Hitler came to power and we know how the people eventually loved that form of government.  If you are one of the ones that believe that government can solve all problems, look at history of other totalitarian governments and how just a few government bureaucrats thought they knew better.  Because we see now how these countries are slowly realizing that people and entrepreneurs are what makes countries successful, not government idiots who never held a real job in their lives, but read a lot of theory books and with government, they can do it better.  It has never happened before and history has shown such logic and incompetence has never succeeded.  But, you can be like all the other clueless people and say this will never happen here.  Remember, at least 50% of those who vote are clueless, don't know who the Vice-President is ( of course, another useless idiot), have no idea on all the so called scandals surrounding this administration and naturally, this administration and the lame stream hope to keep it that way.  Dumb and Dumber should have been a movie on the knowledge of the American voter.  Obama and company know this and are doing their best to keep it that way.  Knowledge is dangerous to this administration unless the knowledge you get has been filtered through the administration.  But I guess this is what you get when you elect a community organizer, raised on Marxist ideology, surrounded himself with like minded individuals, hung out with 1970's terrorist, sympathizes with Muslim causes and has a dislike with the History of the United States and believes he can correct any wrongdoing our history may have shown, and last but not least continues to apologizes to the world for us.  Of course, in traveling this country, you will not come across cemeteries dedicated to all those soldiers from foreign countries that came here to fight tyrannical regimes as we see around the world.  Our soldiers did not die for tyranny but to eliminate those tyrannical regimes.  The graves of our heroes dot the landscape of Europe and Asia.  We defeated the enemy and allowed those countries to live in freedom of their choice, although we are now witnessing Europe becoming more socialistic and gradually taking away peoples freedom.  As former Pres. Reagan once said, "Government is not the answer, Government is the problem".  What is your choice?

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