Saturday, June 8, 2013

Who are we?

We thought we were a Democratic Republic, that was given to us by a Founding Fathers in our Constitution, a government never seen before on this planet and a country that has been the most successful in history.  Now over the past 100 years, we have seen a slow deteriorating of our constitutional rights that appears to have been accelerated under the Obama Administration.   

We know under the so called Patriot Act passed under the Bush administration, our government through its' various agencies, were going to monitor telephone and internet activity between known groups or individuals in this country associated or supporters of radical groups in other countries by eavesdropping on their conversations.  However, this was going to be limited to those identified groups and would need FISA approval, (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) which prescribes procedures for the physical and electronic surveillance and collection of "foreign intelligence information" between "foreign powers" and "agents of foreign powers" which may include American citizens and permanent residents suspected of espionage or terrorism. Visit the following site for more information.  ( 

We also know when President Obama was campaigning for president he stated he would have his AG review all the practices of the Bush administration related to the Patriot Act and other alleged claims that he his liberal supporters constantly objected to as an invasion of privacy.  But, now that he is president and he sees how big government can become a useful tool for destroying and annoying his political opponents by using the IRS and the NSA for political purposes these practices seem acceptable.  Pres. Obama claims this is all about protecting the country, but what we have seen over the past 100 years it is about crushing individual rights.  We also know that before Obama became president, he made a statement that he did not agree with our constitution on how it stipulated the Bill of Rights that dictated what the government cannot take away.  His preference was that government should dictate what you can and cannot have as we have seen throughout the world and particularly in socialist/Marxist and communist countries.  This destruction of our rights began under Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) and Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) both of who had a great dislike for our constitution and would have preferred a dictator if they could have changed our constitution.  This has been a slow progression to where we are today and those who were pushing this agenda and are pursuing this agenda today are on track to get their wish.  It is the voters in this country that must speak up.  But we also know, even with the publicity on all the scandals we are hearing over the past few months, that at least 50% of the voters are still clueless.  We know the news media, except for a few stations and talk radio, have been mostly silent on these scandals.  However, they did get a little upset when they heard that a news reporter was being a target of the DOJ and now that it has been revealed the NSA has been spying on Americans phone calls and internet Emails, that goes way beyond what was in the Patriot Act, they are now providing some coverage, but the coverage seems to claim it is rogue or low level employees in these agencies or a leftover policy from the Bush administration.  Again, this administration and their supporters are trying to blame everyone but the Obama administration. Power corrupts and we are witnessing this first hand with all these scandals.


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