Sunday, June 16, 2013

What we know about Obama

Dad not around much.  Mother was not that interested in him.  Possesses an over inflated sense of self worth and a sense of entitlement.  (Why he sees the presidency as perks not as a leader of a country or world)  Fragile self esteem and does not accept criticism well.  He lacks empathy towards others and believes only can be understood by Harvard, Yale and Columbia graduate like people and will only associate with such people and needs them to validate his insecurities.  Suffers from a martyr complex and believes anyone he encounters who is strong minded is his enemy.   

Does not like it when others break the law, but sees no problem when he does it.  He is narcissistic, in love with himself and believes he is privileged.  Rules and laws are for the common man not someone like him who is destined to make a difference in the world.  He will say and do anything to keep his position and deflect everything to someone else. 

This is why Pres. Obama and his cronies are always denying, deflecting, blaming others, don't know, not aware, was not informed etc. on all the scandalous allegations.  Benghazi, (a movie nobody in the world heard of), Fast and Furious (Bush did it), IRS (Cincinnati office), DOJ & AP(no knowledge) and NSA (overblown and we do not do that).  Take time to think about what has happened in past 2 years and you will see this is his personality.  At this time he is really not capable of being Commander-in-Chief, but would rather enjoy just the perks.  Traveling on Air Force 1, golfing, campaigning and speeches.  He has a low attention span on any decisions he must make that will interfere with his perks.  That is why after being briefed on Benghazi at the beginning of the attack, he was never heard from then and was more concerned with traveling to Nevada for fun raising.   

And what did his staff say about Benghazi.  Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says not knowing the situation, they did not want to put troops in harms way.  I guess he forgets all the landings our troops made in the Pacific during WWII, the Normandy landings, Iraq and Afghanistan.  Or the other argument that there was not enough time.  Of course no one knew at the time of the attack, it would last between 7 to 9 hours.  If the attack lasted 24 hours, what would have been their excuse.  But, many experts say help could have been there within 3 hours.  These 4 deaths were expendable and with this president's agenda nothing will interfere with his perks.  Traveling on Air Force 1, giving speeches and campaigning is his number one priority and anything else is not a concern.  As it is today, he will not address these issues and his agenda is to ignore the problems, do not address them and with the assistance of the left leaning media hopes the scandals will go from page 1 to page 15.  Constitutional  rights are being violated, IRS is being used for political purposes, people are dying, guns are being given to Mexican drug cartels, but he wants our guns taken away, and the NSA are spying on the American people.  What country are we becoming?  The one are Founding Fathers gave us or the ones we have seen in history that show us where rights and freedoms were denied.  George Orwell's 1984 has arrived.  The question you must asked yourself is what country do you want? Freedom or slavery.   Speak up now and voice your objections to your representatives or become a subject to government.  Remember, we fought against a country in 1776 when we did not want to be subjects.

Then there is the colleges he attended.  Occidental college where he indulged in alcohol and drugs and was expelled.  Then he wound up in Harvard and Columbia, schools that are not easy to get into and costly.  So how did he get into these schools and what name did he use.  Did he use the name Barry Soetoro, his mother's 2nd marriage with a passport indicating him as a foreign student from Indonesia?  Many say this the only way he may have been accepted into these two schools.  But who paid his tuition if he came from Occidental with such a poor history in the school?  Questions that need answers.   So, we must also ask, who is the real Barrack Obama?  And nobody remembers him in Columbia.  Will we ever know the whole story?  Will the news media ever do their job? The have not so far. 

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