Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ben Franklin had it right

What Ben Franklin said over 200 years ago seems to be applicable today with all the NSA spying, IRS spying, DHS spying, and FBI spying. 

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." 

Yet we have some of our Congressional Representatives who seem to have no problem with the NSA spying even though this spying has created a furor among the citizens of this country and seems not in compliance with the original intent of the Patriot Act.  Although this whistleblower may be exposing secrets, it is no secret that government have been spying on telephone, Emails and other forms of communications since the Patriot act was initiated.  However, since we have seen government pushing for more power and control over the past 5-7 years of everything in our lives, the question is, "How much privacy do we want to give up?"  We also know, that the constitution cannot be altered or change without an amendment and not through Congressional legislation.   But that has not stopped these people from trying and so far succeeding in their objective.  This is not a Republican or Democrat issue, but a constitutional issue that most members in neither party seems to want to protect.  It is all about power over people and we all know that power corrupts.  Now, if anyone believes that all this spying is really about providing security from terrorist, I know a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you.   

It has now been reported and a court brief filed that the IRS went to insurance companies in lovely, liberal California and grabbed approximately 10 million health records without presenting a search warrant and refuse to return them.  Will monitor this one to see if all the facts are correct.
A congressman while given a tour by DHS observed agents for IRS taken firearm practice with AR-15's. Now, one must ask, why IRS agents.  Will they be coming after us if we are late in sending in our returns or we fail to comply with Obamacare? 

We are at the crossroads of our freedom.  You can not sacrifice a little freedom for security because we know that government if given an inch will take a yard.  It is just human nature and our Founding Fathers knew this when writing our constitution that would not have been approved by the colonies if the Bill of Rights would not be included even though the constitution was approved with that promise, that government actually kept.  Something that we would not see today.  Now think about this.  Do you really think that our constitution if written today would be 4 pages or less?  I think there would be so many amendments, that the 70,000 pages that we see in the Tax code would not be enough and as President Obama believes, government should control what rights you deserve.  That is why he said many times that the constitution provides citizens with negative liberties (something government cannot take away without the amendment process) and believes government should dictate what liberties you can have.   Look it up. 

By the way, if you use a security system that you can access from your cell phone or computer, be advised so can the NSA and observe through those video cameras what you are doing.  And you think your system was providing you security.



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