Sunday, August 15, 2021

President China Joebama’s Administration

To sum up this administration is they are a group of buffoon, incompetent ass holes.  First, the former Secretary of Defense under Obama/Biden had it correct when he said last year that China Joe has been wrong in all Foreign Policy decisions.  China Joebama took over as president as the Trump administration as Operation Warpspeed was able with the cooperation of big pharma, to develop a Coronavirus vaccine to combat the Wuhan virus.  Three vaccines were developed by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson.  At first both China Joe and Commie Harris indicated they would not take the vaccine in October 2020 since Trump’s name was involved in pushing the development.  However, they did get the vaccine in December 2020. 

Trump had a policy at the border that restricted illegal border crossings and building the wall had further restricted entry and his remain in Mexico policy was big as those seeking entry had to apply and wait in Mexico until their case was heard.   Trump had lowered taxes for people and businesses that pumped up the economy and eventually reduced unemployment to the lowest, below 4 % and black and Hispanic unemployment to the lowest levels ever recorded.   In addition, placing tariffs on China imports for their corrupt policies and slave labor. Trump had imposed restrictions on Russia that prevented the completion of the Nord stream 2 pipeline into Germany.  Trump imposed restrictions on Iran due to their terrorist activities in addition to other regulations the Trump administration cut or reduced to benefit the U.S. economy.  We had the lowest fuel prices due to the expansion of the XL pipeline and we became an exporter of fuel and not an importer. In fact the natural gas production was such that some industries were converting to natural gas and some truckers were also thinking of running on natural gas.  But, as soon as President China Joebama took office he issued one executive order after another eliminating all the Trump policies.  This administration did not want to give Trump credit for anything and rather than continue the economic upswing from the Trump administration, they just stopped everything good for the country because they did not want to give Trump credit for anything. 

 As a result we now import our oil, have inflation on fuel, food, automobiles, housing etc. just because of their hate for Trump.  So Americans get screwed because of their hate.  The latest is what is happening in Afghanistan.  Trump had a plan to remove our military forces out of Afghanistan and while doing so, he made it in no uncertain words that while doing so if Al Qaeda did anything militarily, they would be met with the entire US military response against Al Qaeda.  Now, since Trump's name was associated with this plan, China Joebama did what they have been doing the past 7 months, ignored this plan and decided to just up and leave.  We see how that is working out.  

This is what the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) gets you.  We saw this in Vietnam when LBJ invoked the Gulf of Tonkin resolution based on a phony attack against a navy vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin.  When former President Eisenhower was leaving office he told JFK not to send troops into Vietnam as he had military advisers there and no further expansion should take place and be aware of the MIC that just wants to engage in military conflict to enrich their pockets.   Of course the MIC would not have anything to do with that and they convinced JFK to send troops into Vietnam and we all know how that turned out.  Later on, after the war, the then Secretary of Defense McNamara said it was a mistake to get involved in Vietnam.  But, everyone got rich and more troops died or got crippled.  The same thing with G.W. Bush who sent a small force of special ops into Afghanistan to search and destroy and hopefully find Osama Bin Laden.  Although they were successful in stabilizing Afghanistan, Osama was not found for another 12 years.  But, we did go in Iraq under the false information that Saddam was developing a nuclear weapon.  Something even Defense Secretary Powell knew later was BS.  But, the MIC wanted to make more money.  So, now after 20 years we are leaving Afghanistan, something we should have done about 15 years ago, but the MIC did not want to hear that.  It is interesting how many upper echelon of the military when they retire get a job with members of the MIC.  In fact the present Secretary of Defense, Austin, came from Raytheon, a weapons producer.   Now you know the rest of the story and how under the China Joebama administration we had better all turn to prayer hoping our country will be saved.  What China is witnessing today with the Afghanistan debacle, Taiwan will be conquered by China by this time next year.  Taiwan will not go down without a fight, but China Joebama will probably go on vacation during this event if he is even aware of what is happening.   



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