Sunday, August 22, 2021

China Joebama vs. Donald Trump

 Before I begin, the question to ask is: “How many terrorist have come across our border to date thanks to the China Joebama open border policies and how many will be coming from Afghanistan with the American made weapons, drones and other equipment that can be used to inflict major casualties that will make 9/11 deaths just a drop in the bucket?"  If they can smuggle drugs and people into our country without being detected, then they can smuggle weapons that can kill and kill and kill.

For those who voted for China Joebama due to their hate of Trump that was pushed by the Communist Democratic Party and the lying news media I must ask this question.  “Do you realize now that you were lied to as the false and hateful rhetoric was pushed by the media who are actually an extension of the now called the Communist Democratic Party?”  

Why do I call our president China Joebama is simply because he has surrounded himself with all former members of the Obama administration.  Susan Rice has more power than some realize as she has the direct line to former President Obama who together with others are actually pulling the strings.  Remember, Obama wanted to fundamentally transform the United States of America and we are seeing that under China Joebama.  China Joebama is clueless, has shown limited mental capacity, is dysfunctional and is not capable of carrying out the duties of president and should be removed either by the 25th Amendment or impeachment.  Our own country’s survival is at stake.  He is the extension of Obama’s administration of apologizing and seeing no evil. 

 The difference between Trump and China Joe is becoming more obvious every day.   Under Trump we were securing our southern border, a great economy, oil independence, and the lowest unemployment not seen in many, many years.  Yes, Trump was combative with the news media, but as you examine what this media was doing, rather than actually report the news accurately, they just wrote articles of hate and lies in doing their part for the Communist Democratic Party.  We all know if you continue to report lie after lie, some people will believe the lie.  We also know how deep the swamp in Washington DC as the FBI, CIA, DOJ as well as our intelligence agencies who had anti-Trump people buried deep in these agencies doing their best to get Trump removed from office.  

Trump was also confrontational with our allies to get them to up their monetary donations for NATO and basically put up or show up.  Those world leaders, who are a threat to us and the world, knew that Trump meant what he said, unlike China Joebama who is clueless to what he is saying. World leaders know he is hopeless as a world leader and our enemies will be looking to take advantage of this as China Joebama will do the same he is now doing in Afghanistan, nothing.  I wonder if our world leader friends miss Trump yet.



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