Friday, August 27, 2021

Afghanistan has become a real “Cluster F_ _K”

We have learned that the military wanted to keep Bagram airbase opened, but were overruled by our Commander-in-Chief, (CIC) AKA, China Joebama.  We also know that our military did not want to withdraw our troops before getting the Americans and those Afghanistan’s that aided us evacuated.  However, they were overruled by our CIC until he developed a brain fart and realized that we needed troops on the ground to evacuate people.  Even though our great leader, China Joebama, indicated the “buck stops here” he still tries to pass the blame onto Trump, Afghanistan, Taliban, and anyone else he can think of, other than looking in the mirror for the real idiot to blame.  Imagine we were and have been fighting the Taliban for 20 years and yet, our great CIC has given the Taliban the job of providing security around the Kabul airport.  That is like the United States asking the Cuba military to provide security around Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.  Incidentally, we were told at the entrance to the airport, the Taliban would be reviewing the papers of those attempting to enter the airport before our military did the same.  What is interesting about this is that many of the Taliban cannot read.  How dumb can the China Joebama be?  This is the example how dumb he is.  He is the one and only one that has the final say as the CIC and as much as our military leader may voice an objection, under our constitution, the CIC has the final decision.  Stupid is what stupid does.  We also know, that as long as the democrats are in control of Congress, we will not see any movement to impeach for being incompetent, mentally challenged, and a complete buffoon.  He is destroying our country with open borders and who knows how many Islamic suicide bombers have made it across. 

9/11 is coming and with open borders we can expect terrorist attacks.  The 20th anniversary is on a Saturday and a weekend is when people will go to church or synagogue and this can become a prime target to inflict multiple casualties.  These terrorist have no problem committing suicide to carry out their attacks.  After all, Allah has promise them 21 virgins that will be awaiting for them in heaven. 

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