Thursday, April 23, 2020

The idiot speaks again (AOC) and more

The idiot is telling people not to return to work as a protest.  It is easy for her to say since she is making $174,000 a year and is still getting paid during this stay at home.  So, follow her advice, and end up living on the streets and starving to death.  Now you know why she is an idiot.  Some people should be seen and not heard.  However, in this case the idiot should not be seen or heard.  Just think, if she had a functioning brain how dangerous she would be. 

Speaking of which, it is interesting in watching the video of Nancy Pelosi, another idiot, showing how she is “suffering at home” instead of being in Washington doing the duties she was elected to perform.  Nope, just let the people suffer a little more and maybe we can get those voters to turn against Trump.  There hate is not only against Trump but as we know also against his supporters.  So why rush to help the people especially since all these politicians are getting a paycheck anyway.  Not that they need it as most are multi-millionaires.  Something most were not until they got elected and then the money came rolling in.  What we do know is the voters who elected them did not make them rich.  So, there income came from others who had a financial stake in getting legislation passed or prevented from being passed and that is how these members of Congress attain their riches. Now, I am not saying they are corrupt, just a little crooked.  I bet you never knew that a salary of $174,000 a year would make you a mega millionaire in a few years.  Nancy and her friends go home to their mansions and “suffer” like the rest of us.   But they do it in style and look down on those who voted them into office.

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