Saturday, April 4, 2020

Coronavirus fear

As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Easter, it is also time to reflect on what kind of life are we living.

We know that the spread of this pandemic has not yet reached its height that may happen in about 2 weeks based on what we see in other countries where some are showing a decline in new cases.

Depending on what news outlet you may listen too, the world is coming to an end and millions will die, unless you listen live to the daily news briefing with President Trump and his coronavirus team.  Due to this unwavering hate of this president by some in the news media, we now see where some stations are not showing the briefing live, but they will show excerpts that have been slightly doctored to misinform the public to suit their ideology of hate.  We must and should comply with the instructions that this coronavirus team has presented combined with common sense to get us through this pandemic. 

However, we also see where some who have followed guidelines end up getting this virus and may even die.  No one can predict when one will die.  It may be today, tomorrow or 50 years from now depending on one’s age today.  We may recover from this virus or may never get this virus, but at the end of this pandemic, go celebrate and then the next day get run over by a vehicle.  No one knows when we will die.  That is the unknown.  We can do everything right and still die way before we ever thought our number would be called. 

A quote associated with WWl was often heard and used since then that “There are no atheist in foxholes”.   We may have given thought to what those who died on 9/11 were thinking when the realized they were going to die either at the World Trade Center or flight 93.  We can assume they felt extreme fear knowing the end was near and did they turn to God for forgiveness?  Some may not have had that opportunity and one can only hope they led a good life, even though nobody that has walked on this planet was perfect except for the One who was crucified. 
So, now is the time to reflect on the life we are living and have lived and if it would meet with the approval of God.  Will we enjoy eternal happiness or eternal damnation?  It appears and reported that in this country as well as other countries around the world, people have walked away from church and God and turned to their electronic devices, and other behaviors that they claim leave no time for God. 

During WWll, FDR said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.  We must follow appropriate guidelines for this virus since we are engaged in a trial and error period as this virus has never been seen before.  In this country and many countries around the world, we are using scientist to develop various options to treat this virus that includes some tried and tested medicines that have been used to combat other medical issues like Malaria.   Present day technology will provide our researchers a better chance of developing a vaccine quicker than in previous pandemic.   We must return to God to guide us in defeating this virus.  With God, all things are possible and we also have a motto that is on our money and is where we will find our hope.  “In God we Trust”.   Also, E Pluribus Unum, Latin for “Out of Many One” that is on our Great Seal approved by Congress in 1782.  If we stay united together, we will win this fight.

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