Friday, December 16, 2016

The Democrats, Hollywood, and other Elitist

It seems the democrats and their socialist/Marxist supporters are still upset since the election of Donald Trump.  We now see the Hollywood elitist encouraging the 438 electors to change the vote of what 120 million voters decided on November 8th and not vote for Donald Trump.  These elitist believe that 538 electors should choose the next president and not the more than 120 million voters.  

We have the Electoral College for a reason so every vote counts and not just the votes from the most populated states.  But, we also know, that if Hillary was elected and the republicans attempted to do what the democrats are attempting, the outrage from the mainstream news media as well as democrats would be front page every day. 

Now the latest is that one senator is hinting at impeachment of Donald Trump when he takes office for not divesting himself of all his holdings that he has worldwide.  Trump is going to turn over his businesses to his children.  This is the first time we have elected a businessman who has business dealings worldwide and as usual, the democrats will not stop at going after Trump.  During the next 4 years we will not see the end of this hateful rhetoric.  I just hope the republican members of congress wake up and realize that they must use the Harry Reid option, of passing legislation without the 60 senate vote to get the legislation on the floor for discussion.  Better known as the nuclear option.  Reid manipulated senate congressional procedures to get Obamacare passed on Christmas Eve and other legislation, but was warned that this may come back to bite the democrats in the ass.  The time has come. Just hope that Senator McConnell has the balls to use Harry Reid’s formula to pass legislation.  But, we all know that McConnell may be lacking a pair.  More interested in himself rather than the country.

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