Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Surrendering your 1st Amendment Rights? Why?

It seems the political correct crowd and the social justice crowd are attacking anyone that tweets, comments on Facebook or any other social media outlet if the comment is not in line with their ideology.  This is what the followers of a socialist/Marxist society want.  Intimidate, threaten or physically assault anyone that writes, says or even produces a video that is contrary to their way of thinking.  This is why you see professional performers who were invited to perform at the Trump inauguration backing out for fear of the backlash that they see coming by comments made about their being present at the inauguration.  So, rather than tell these so called socialist elitist to take it and stick it where the sun does not shine, they become weak and will not defend themselves and the 1st Amendment.   

Of course, I must mention that these radicals are supporters of the Democratic Party that has influence these radicals to push their agenda against anyone that in the slightest way may show support for Trump.  These people are under the illusion that by demonstrating their displeasure towards Trump and the Republican Party, rather than grow up and accept the election results, will gain support among the voting public. In fact, the opposite is what will happen as the voters will realize how radical these people are and their attempt to overthrow our constitution and government and install a dictator that reflects their ideology.  They had one in Obama, but except for the voters in the liberal northeast and west coast states, they witnessed a landslide victory rejecting their ideology.  Many voters were clueless to what the Obama administration and the Democratic Party was attempting to do and the democrats were hoping with a victory they would have been successful with appointing radical justices to the Supreme Court and the lower court.  Justices that would rule based on their ideology, rather than on the constitution as written.  

Appointments to the Supreme Court should not be political, and the Founders knew this and that is why they are lifetime appointments and would make their ruling based on the constitution as written.  They provided a way to amend the constitution by the vote of ¾ (38) of the states.  But these Democratic socialist/Marxist knew they would not achieve their objective, the destruction of our way of life, so they promoted making changes through the court system.  The constitution does not say that the Supreme Court can change the constitution, but must rule whether an issued brought before them is within the constitution as written.  However, they have been allowed through Congressional inaction, to alter our constitution, not by the amendment process, but through court decisions which are mainly based on their ideology.  Some of the liberal Justices on the court believe the constitution is a living, breathing document that can be changed as the world changes.  Nowhere is it written this can be done, but this is what their ideology wants.  And congress has permitted this to take place.   That is why, in every presidential election, the focus is on any appointments to the Supreme Court.  The democrats and republicans knew that in the next 4 years there may be at least 3 appointments to the Supreme Court that could alter the direction of our country or remain as a democratic Republic where the constitution as written is the law and not a warp ideology.  

Trump has promised that he will appoint justices that believe in our constitution as written and will rule in that manner.  The democrats will fight any appointment that may jeopardize their socialist/Marxist agenda, but hopefully the 52 republicans in the senate will unite and vote for our constitution.  However, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and Susan Collins are more socialist in their leaning and one cannot be sure what their vote will be.  A tie vote of 50-50 will give the deciding vote to the Vice-President.  These three were not supporters of Trump and one wonders if they prefer a socialist/Marxist form of government, which is what they would have had if Hillary was elected.  It does Make you wonder.  

Do we want a society that we see developing in Europe where rights are being limited and speech not in keeping with the socialist point of view results in criminal actions, or remain a free and open society and be the Beacon on the Hill that has attracted immigrants for over 200 years.  This past election brought us to the threshold of our destruction.  Let us hope and pray we can defeat this evil that has permeated our country and the world.  The United States is not the cause of this evil, but those who prefer government control of individual liberties that we have fought against and sacrifice our lives in WWI and WWII to save those countries that were overrun with such evil.  Satan and his evil followers and minions will not rest and we cannot allow this evil to succeed.  

So, I can say if anyone does not like what I write, you can print it out and stick it where the sun does not shine.    Have a great day.

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