Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Democratic crybabies and Never Trumpers

One would think that the election of Donald Trump was a fair election and Hillary lost.  Now it appears the crybabies, who were under the illusion the election was in the bag months before November 8th, cannot accept the results.   They were just looking forward to another four years of the Obama administration and the destruction of our constitution and a move towards the European socialism bypassing our constitution and our weak congress.  However, the voters who did not live on both sides of the socialist coast, felt otherwise.  The voters were not going to allow the socialist/communist on the east and west coast dictate what they want to impose on our country.  

Under the Obama administration, we were moving away from a Democratic Republic to a socialist government where government dictates your rights and not the people.  Obama has been imposing his socialist ideology on our country through using various agencies to implement his ideology and our destruction.

Now, we are witnessing the democrats cannot accept a Trump victory and are using any method to attempt to overturn what the voters selected for our next president.  First it was that Hillary won the popular vote and the Electoral College should not dictate the winner.  They fail to understand that the Electoral College is in the constitution and if it was not for LA county and the 5 boroughs in NYC, Hillary would have lost the popular vote.  Our Founders knew that certain populated areas could dictate our elections and they implemented the Electoral College. 

But, the democrats are like the Eveready Bunny, they keep on going.  We have the Jill Stein move for a recount in 3 states and now Russia hacked our election.  Now what nobody is telling you that many counties in various states use different voting methods and for anyone to hack into our voting system would take years and there was only hours.  Besides, the machines are not connected to the internet in each voting precinct.  So, now they are trying to say the voting rolls were changed and hacked.  
It could be that 20 Million Russian came over our southern border to vote and then went back.  After listening to various democratic spokesperson on the vote, nothing is beyond their desperation to get Hillary elected.  They are witnessing their move towards European socialism failing.  

Remember, since the election of Obama, the democrats have more excuses for losing or their failure to see success.  For the first 6 years it was all former Pres. George Bush’s fault, then the Republican Congress and now the Russians or any other country they can think of that has done any hacking.  But, those of us with at least ½ a brain know that countries throughout the world, including the United States, are hacking whenever and wherever they can.  But do not tell the democrats that Obama used the NSA to hack into the American public Emails and other social media sites.  Then again, they would probably blame the Republicans, Trump, Fox News, the Tea Party or any other group or organization.

It could very well be that when Trump takes office and his appointees begin to review their agencies, the dirt may come out and the American people may not be happy campers with what this government was attempting.  

But, the Obama administration still has 36 days to screw this country and we will have to watch every move this administration may be doing.  These radicals will not concede without a fight and our destruction is what they want.

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