Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Failure of our Education System

With the election of Donald Trump, we are witnessing the failure of our education system when we are witnessing various demonstrations in the streets or on campuses by those who cannot understand in life there are winners and losers.  However in our present day education system from grade school to college we are teaching our future crybabies that nobody is a loser and we give trophies to all participants.  So, we are now witnessing the result of this type of thinking.  Our present and future graduates have failed to understand that in life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.  When you win you do your best to remain a winner in life and when you lose, you pick yourself up and try again.  Most successful people have won and loss in their lives, and that did not prevent them reaching their goal.  However, we see schools offering psychological counseling to these groups.  Is this what our future has to offer?

But, when we educate our future by praising the ism’s, socialism, Marxism, and Communism as a successful way to govern and trash capitalism this is the end result.  Of course, for those of us with a head on our shoulders understand that history has shown that the ism’s have never worked and will never work.  

So our future generations are confused, loss and expect everything to handed to them from cradle to grave.  Maybe, if just maybe they would take the opportunity to read and learn about our history from the 1700’s to today, they would realize they are being sold a bunch of lies from their professors, many of whom have never worked outside of academia and received most their knowledge from books and not from actual application of their false theories.  

Will the losers we see in the streets, wake up and understand how a democratic republic works or continue to believe in the ism’s of failure?   

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