Friday, November 25, 2016

The Democratic Party-Now the Democratic Communist Party

Since the Trump election we are witnessing the democrats and their comrades in the mainstream news media (MSM) becoming unglued with prospect of an actual elected official that believes in the constitution as written and not interpreted according to an ideology.  

In addition, the democratic leaders are strongly considering Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Mn) as the new head of the DNC and this is getting strong support from the MSM.  What is not being reported is that Mr. Ellison was an advocate of communism in his younger days and a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood among other radical Muslim groups.  Of course, in this age, the democrats are pushing political correctness regardless of that person political ideology that is contrary to our constitution and way of life.  One would think (The three magic words) that after being trashed in the elections of 2010, 2012, 2014 and this presidential election as well as governorships and state legislatures, these same democrats would attempt a move more towards the middle and reality.  

But, what people do not know, many of the democrats, especially in California (Like this is unusual) are receiving contributions from communist backed organizations.  This only goes to show that it is not the people that these politicians represent, but the big money donors.  After all, how many poor members of Congress do you know? 
This is not the democratic party of 60 plus years ago.  Then again, that was the Democratic Party that aligned itself with the KKK and other anti-black groups and fought against civil rights legislation. 

Although Trump was not my original choice for president, I am thankful he was elected to put a stop (hopefully) to those in the Democratic Party that have been plotting for years to destroy our constitution in small steps and the election of Obama was what they thought would be the jump start they needed to accelerate their plan.  With Hillary getting elected, they would have continued this destruction as it was believed they would not only gain control of the White House, but Congress also.  But, we know God heard our prayers.  Now it is up to us to make sure we stay on the road as a Democratic Republic and not a Socialist, Marxist or communism country.

Remember, in case you do not research information to find the truth, but Obama’s parents were Marxist, his grandparents that raised him were card carrying members of the communist party in Washington State and they introduce him to his mentor, Frank Marshal Davis, also a communist.  In fact, Mr. Davis not only has tremendous influence on Obama’s ideology, but Mr. Davis also founded a communist newspaper in Chicago and had a thick FBI folder.  And guess who was a good friend of Mr. Davis?  None other then the parents of Valerie Jarrett, the White House live in adviser from day one of the Obama administration.  This is part of the Muslim influence on Obama as well as the fact he was raised as a Muslim in his early formative years.  Of course we cannot complete this without mentioning the great domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn that also had great influence on Obama and helped in getting him elected to the Illinois State Senate as well as the Congressional Senate, not to mention the presidency.  

The information is out there, one just has to apply themselves and research.
We cannot allow the elitist in both parties to derail the Trump administration and what he indicated he intended to do if elected.  We know the democrats will unite against Trump and we also know, the republican establishment are more concerned with their position and not our constitution and those that elected them.  Don’t let this happen and become a voice to save or country, our constitution and way of life.  Speak out now, or you may lose that amendment.

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