Friday, November 18, 2016

Crybabies in our schools and political leaders

We thought we were sending our children to schools, high school and colleges under the assumption they were receiving an education on life, our history, the world and preparing them for the real world and not the world the liberals want you to believe is out there. 

It seems, and becoming very obvious, that our education system is a failure on training our children to face the world as adults, prepared for the unknown and being able to respond intelligently.  However, what we are witnessing is we send children to school and after at least 12 years of schooling and if they attend college and an additional 4 years plus, they still come out into the real world as children.  All the money parents spent on this education and the results appear to be no change from when many of these students entered the education system at age 6.

Makes one wonder how these adult children will respond when they are fired from a job or their job is eliminated through company going out of business.  Do they expect their parents or government to come to the rescue? Will they go play with playdough, joining crying clubs or will they riot in the streets, cause property damage, assault police and those who disagree with them.  Liberals, the most intolerant even though they claim to be the most tolerant. It is obvious, they are only tolerant of those that agree with their ideology. (Socialism, Marxism and communism)  This is the ideology they are being taught in school by these professors who are clueless on what the real world is like and continue to live in their bubble of political correctness, government is the answer, businesses and capitalism is a failure, even though nowhere has socialism, Marxism or communism been as successful as capitalism.  

Our children are being taught that government is the answer and government should control your life.  Instead what these children are not being taught is how government control of your life has failed in the former Soviet Union and Eastern bloc countries, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and contrary to what you are being told, China is hiding their misery. 

But, we hear from our great fearless leader Obama that he supports these demonstrations as part of free speech.  
Of course, those of us with half a brain know that the 1st Amendment does not allow riots, destruction of property and assaulting those who disagree with them.  This is what our great leader wants to see as part of his presidential heritage.  Remember, his only experience is as a community organizer and this is what a community organizer does.  

Hopefully, we can survive the next 63 days of a failed administration and failed presidency.

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