Friday, January 22, 2016

Trump, Cruz and Republican Establishment

When Donald Trump entered the republican race for president, it was not expected he would survive this long, but he has.  Then the republican establishment threw their weight to Jeb Bush and when it appeared that was not working, they began to rally around Marco Rubio.  Since that does not appear to be working and they fear Ted Cruz, now they want to rally around Donald Trump.  I wonder if this is the kiss of death.  This is interesting because the establishment feared Trump since he was not accepting contributions for the normal influence peddlers that pervade Washington DC.  To the establishment, it was anybody but, Trump, Carson, Cruz and Fiorina.  With Trump still leading in the polls and Cruz running second, the establishment is worried that if Cruz is the nominee and is elected president, there free ride in ripping off the country will slowly come to the end since Cruz believes in the constitution as written.   Unlike our great leader who believes in his ideology over our constitution, many are not sure on Trump’s position on the constitution since it is never mentioned in his speeches.  The establishment fear losing their positions and their acceptance of monetary influence may come to an end or even worst, prosecution.  Of course, we cannot call it bribery, since it has already been written that members of Congress cannot be bribed, only be guilty of accepting influence.  To us it is bribery except when discussing politics and Congress. 

It appears that Cruz will expose their actions and how Congress is their personal country club.  To these establishment people, they believe elected to Congress is their job for life and will do whatever it takes to stay there.  Of course, whatever it takes means being available for influence peddling to fil their coffers with money for their next election bid, in addition to their own pockets. 
Contrary to what our Founding Fathers believed that a person should serve one or two terms as their civic duty and then return home to continue their other career.  Now, it seems we have professional politicians that will do their best to keep their job.  That is why any constitution amendment to limit a length of term for the House and Senate never sees the light of day.  All that is needed is 34 states to call for a constitutional convention and 38 states to vote for this amendment.  But the democrats are just as bad as the republicans if not worst.  How many poor politicians can you name?  Former Pres. Bill Clinton was only making $45,000 as Governor of Arkansas when elected president and now look how much they are worth.  That is only one example of political corruption.  But we all know that democrats are not corrupt, it is just republicans.  But Nancy Pelosi did well in getting her husband sweet contracts and when Obama was elected to Congress, Michele got a hefty increase in salary at her job.  Harry Reid is not doing too badly either.  Remember one thing, criminals will never pass legislation against themselves.   

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