Friday, January 8, 2016

Hillary’s Stumble

So, when asked by Chris Matthews, that is correct, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, what is the difference between a Socialist and a Democrat, Hillary could not answer.  But as Chris Matthews is known to do, he gave her an out by saying if you do not want to answer that is okay.  But, Hillary finally admitted she is a Progressive.  Well, as expected, Chris did not follow up as what is a Progressive when anyone with half a brain knows Progressive is just another name for a socialist/Marxist ideology.  Not sure, just research other progressives.  It is socialism on steroids, designed to remove your constitutional rights gradually, just like Obama is doing today, but not being subtle about it.  But since half of voting citizens are clueless, and close to 80 democrats are associated with communist organizations, he gets away with it.  Naturally, the republican leadership in both the House and Senate are their usual clueless and are only concerned, just like the democrats, in getting elected and not the constitution.   So, the voters better wake up this coming presidential election that will be your last free election as we know it.  But corruption and fraud will be #1 issue at the polls as this administration under the guise of the DOJ are going to everything in their power to encourage voting irregularities to the benefits of the democrats.   

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