Tuesday, January 5, 2016

President Obama's Gun Control

President Obama, after consulting with DOJ Loretta Lynch (AKA Eric Holder in a skirt) has decided to issue his own laws on gun control.  Since Congress has not and will not pass legislation that President Obama wants, our great leader has decided to pass his own law.  Now, I have read the constitution numerous times over the past week to find the section where it states that if Congress does not pass a law the president wants, the president can pass his own law.  After such a review, I must say I could not find a section in the constitution that provides such action. I then decided to read and review the Federalist Papers to ascertain if our Founders had written about such action in explaining the sections in our constitution.  Again, I could not find any section approving or even mentioning such action.  Then, I decided to review one of those individuals that both President Obama and Hillary Clinton admire and there I found it.  It was in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.  Once you read his rules, you better understand President Obama and why he does what he does.  We also know that Congress, under the great leadership of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, will do nothing to counter this unconstitutional action.   I might add, Saul Alinsky was a Satanist and great admirer of Lucifer and when he died wanted to join Satan in Hell.  I can only hope he got his wish and his followers and admirers meet him there also.   

Both parties in Congress in the past seven years did not want to infringe on the 2nd Amendment, but we also know that the top priority for both parties in Congress is getting elected over our constitution.  We might add, while the democrats controlled the White House and both houses in Congress, neither the president, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid pushed for gun control.  Now, all of a sudden as the president nears the last year of his administration, he has decided that he will do what Congress refuses contrary to what our constitution states.  But, then again, why are we not surprised by this.  Today it is gun control, tomorrow your freedom of speech.  If you think this will stop here, you must have been living on another planet.  Our entire constitution and Bill of Rights are at stake and if you don't think this is the plan of the Socialist/Marxist in this administration and Congress, you are only fooling yourself. 


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