Monday, October 14, 2013

Know who he is, do research for yourself.

Understanding the president's past and you can see why he acts the way he does.  Earlier this century, around 2006, this president commented on our constitution and professed his dislike for our bill of rights where he stated they are negative liberties.  That is, they are not government sanctioned liberties that government can take away.  This is the precursor for this man's ideology.   

Our president was raised in Indonesia as a Muslim and both his parents were avowed Marxist.  His grandparents living in the state of Washington were card carrying members of the communist party.  His mentor, introduced to him by his grandparents, Frank Marshal Davis, was also communist and produced a communist newspaper for 10 years from Chicago.  In his boot Audacity of Hope, our president discussed his desire to associate with radicals and socialist, Marxist and radical professors.  His advisors, both Valerie Jarrett and David Axlerod have involved in communist ideology and Ms. Jarrett's father was an admirer of and friend of Frank Marshal Davis.  As we know, this president was also friends with and associated with two domestic terrorist from the 1960's, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn both of whom were instrumental in getting his campaign going to run for political office.  Then there is his radical pastor where he spent 20 years listening to his radical rhetoric but when questioned about this, our president was clueless on his pastor's speeches.   

Know the man and you understand his ideology that is not in keeping with the values of our country nor his desire to make sure our constitution is at the forefront of any political or domestic discussion.  He is as he stated when running for the presidency in 2008 to fundamentally transformed our country.  The question that was not asked is "Transform us to what"?  I think we not know the answer.  Just like his father, he has a dislike for this country and our history, believes all the world problems are caused by the United States and he is going to do his best to destroy us internally.  That is why he has refused to negotiate with republicans on issues since he believes he is a dictator and how dare anyone disagree with him.  If the democrats were somehow to gain control of both houses of Congress again, our president will have 2 more years of complete control to implement his destructive policies.  This president wants to destroy this country financially through increasing our debt by spending, giving handouts and destroying state sovereignty and dig our country into a giant hole that we may never recover from and thus accomplishing the dream of his father and his communist associates.

This also why he has used the NSA, IRS and DOJ to spy on our citizens in keeping with communist ideology that we saw in the former Soviet Union and Eastern bloc countries and has ignored in responding to these scandals as well as Fast and Furious, Benghazi to name a few more.   Know what you have sitting in the White House and use that information in 2014 which may be our last free election, maybe.

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