Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Interesting Evaluation of President Obama

On Fox News on Wednesday, one of their contributing psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow engaged in a discussion on President Obama and why he is what he is.  Dr. Ablow explained that President Obama looks at himself and others in society and throughout the world as victims.  He believes President Obama thinks this way because he was abandoned by his father and to extrapolate this thought on my part, when his mother remarried, his stepfather abandoned him and then his mother abandoned him when she gave him to her parents.  Then his grandparents gave him to Frank Marshal Davis as a mentor and communist.  So, his family left him.  If you look at President Obama in this way, you can understand why he acts the way he does.   

Remember, immediately after assuming his office, President Obama did his world apology tour, apologizing for the U.S. making them victims.  Using President Obama's logic, the U.S. has exploited the world.  This is another reason he and his administration will not used the phrase "Islamic Terrorist" but rather use "Man caused Disasters" or Overseas Continuancy Operations.  He considers Muslims as victims of the West and these radical Muslim Terrorist are just striking back for being victims.   

The Fort Hood shooting was a terrorist attack by a radical Islamic terrorist, Major Hassan, but in this president's eyes it was a Muslim striking back at what he perceived as U.S. aggression.  So instead of calling it terrorist, he calls it workplace violence.  The same can be said for other terrorist acts that his administration will not identify as such.  This is why we have done nothing on Benghazi since it was just Muslims punishing the U.S. for making them victims.  This why our president spoke out on the Cambridge police incident and Treyvon Martin debacle as well as other incidents.  Also, why we are not enforcing the border and giving illegal immigrants more rights just short of voting rights.  And why, well he believes the Mexicans are victims of the United States since we stole Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California among other states that at one time were under the control of Mexico.  So it is only right that the illegal Mexicans come here since we created them as victims.  

To go even further, the rich, as least those who are rich and not supporters of Obama, are victimizing the poor and middle class by not sharing their wealth and businesses that give low wages are just doing the same thing.  Now, this is all about socialism and Marxism being implemented without firing a shot.  So, if anybody out there can actually tell us where Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism have been a successful form of government, please let us all know, since these form of governments have been failures throughout history.   

 So, when you give deep thought to what Dr. Ablow stated, it actually makes since.    

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