Saturday, April 20, 2013

More on the Terrorist act in Boston

We have the bombing in Boston that we all know was a terrorist act and we also know the difficulty our president had in using that word.  But, since this happened in Boston, a bastion of liberalism, he had to use that word or get the wrath of the Boston citizens.

Now a decision has to be made on whether this terrorist should be classified an enemy combatant or be tried in our federal court system over a military tribunal.  Under the federal decision, they will have to advise him of his rights within a few days of apprehension and we all know that he will lawyer up and keep his mouth shut.  In the tribunal decision as an enemy combatant, he does not get his Miranda rights.  To gather information, the choice is clear, but we also know how Eric Holder and this president work, so you can rest assured he will get his Miranda rights and keep his mouth shut.   This is based on the way the DOJ and this president have spoken on previous terrorist cases including the 9/11 suspect KM that they were moving to try in NYC rather than in a military tribunal, until there was a public outcry.  Then we know Ft. Hood became workplace violence.  What could they call this?  So this administration has to make a choice that will not outrage the citizens of Massachusetts while making sure the decision fits his ideology that there are no bad Muslims, just misunderstanding of their plight in the world and that the USA is usually the culprit on why we have a problem in the Middle East.   

After all, we do not see them rushing to prosecute anyone on the  Benghazi attack.  A problem they knew was coming from all the cables sent from Benghazi for over 6 months and nothing was done.  We know the State Department (Hillary was in charge then) were notified about the older Boston terrorist by an unknown foreign government (many believe to be Russia) on the activities of this person and supposedly was investigated by the FBI.  There was an investigation and nothing was found out of the ordinary.  And yet, after 9/11 we had the Patriot act where phone calls and other means of communications were being viewed when certain phrases or words were used and even though these two individuals were making statements on their Facebook account and glorifying certain YouTube videos, it makes one wonder how mush of an investigation the FBI did or were told not to do.  I guess we will see another Benghazi type coverup coming.  Does this administration really want to know what happen and why or for political expediency, do they not want to know something that may adversely affect them and the democratic party in the 2014 election? 

Of course, we haven't even touched on the Saudi national that they were moving to deport quickly.  A Saudi that was grabbed by plainclothes police officers when he appeared suspicious and attempted to run when the explosion took place.  We have heard that several members of Congress have an 8 page report on this individual and it does not paint the rosy picture this administration wants you to believe.  And yet, the media does not seem interested in this person.  Is the media complicit in this coverup?  The story is out there if they would only perform a little investigation.  Rest assured, if this national was a member of the Tea Party, NRA or some other conservative organization, it would be front page news.  Then again, since they never pursued a background investigation on the man who became president, would we expect otherwise.  We saw how Chris Matthews and other MSNBC host as well as CNN host Wolf Blitzer were trying to paint the terrorists as white, right wing radicals.  Boy, how upset they are.  Then again, since their viewing audience is so small, their comments go under the radar.  But, you can rest assured they will pursue where these two terrorist got their weapons.  Probably from some white, male conservative gun dealer.  They are afraid that this bombing will put a dent in the president's efforts to get some form of gun legislation.  In addition, how will this bombing affect an attempt to craft a immigration bill.  These two were allowed to enter legally and yet we have over 30 million here illegally, (not the 12 million they been saying for the past 25 years) and who knows what type of illegals have entered this country.  We have heard again that there is a strong possibility that some of these illegals entering this country may be members of Hamas and Hezbollah.  We know these groups are not very friendly and encourage terrorist activities.  Just ask Israel.  Let your Congressional representatives know that this terrorist survivor be tried as a enemy combatant.  We must put pressure on this administration to do what is right for this country and not what is right for their political party.

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