Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lies our elected officials tell us. Wake up

For those who think they are being told the truth by government on immigration you must understand one thing.  That is for the past 20 years all we hear is that there are only 12 million illegal immigrants in this country.  Like that number has never changed when actually there is over 30 million illegals and counting per the CBO.  Both parties are telling lies led by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and even Marco Rubio.  You cannot issue blanket amnesty to the illegals in this country who did not follow proper procedure to enter this country legally. Like most of us, I am sure our parents or grandparents came to this country the correct way and those who violate our laws should not be given amnesty toward the road to citizenship.   A green card maybe, but citizenship no.  But, we do know that Obama and company would like to see these undocumented democrats get citizenship.  When you become a citizen, you must understand English and yet, the question we must ask is why are the courts telling us our election ballots must be bilingual?  To be a citizen you must know English but to vote, it is not necessary. Someone must explain that logic or should we say lack thereof.   

Furthermore, unless we lock down the border, any immigration reform is useless and just politics as both parties try to get more votes.  Those presently living in this country are not important, but illegals are.   Also, the lies they say that these illegals are performing jobs Americans will not do is just another lie.  Have you seen what workers are now doing construction?  It has also been documented that approximately 5% of the illegals are doing farm labor.  So, what are the other 95% doing.  Just a little research will give you that answer. 

That is why we need to push businesses, states and the federal government agencies to use E-verify or suffer criminal prosecution or penalties for not using it.  Don't believe the lies they are saying about E-verify because those making that claim want illegals working for them since they can hire them at lower salaries.  Being illegal, you will not complain.  However, the people here legally, especially other Hispanics lose out since the illegals will replace them in these jobs.  Rather than take the word of the elected officials or government bureaucrats, take the time to do a little research on your own and you will have an awakening.  And then write your elected representatives and tell them their lies are unacceptable and you will remember this in the 2014 election.  The high unemployment for Blacks and Hispanics can be directly related to the number of illegals in this country.   

One must also remember the additional expenses that we incur when the illegals seek medical treatment in our hospitals.  We all pay for that.   The main reason for Obamacare was to insure these 30 plus million people.  Yes, we know there are American citizens that do not have medical insurance do to affordability, but that number is no where near the 30 million Obamacare was claiming it wanted to insure.  It is time for the citizens in this country to begin to think on their own and not allow our elected officials to engage in Group Think and tell you what you are thinking.  Our country is going down the tubes quickly because we all assumed, including me, that we had a constitution and that will protect us.  But, what we did not know or realize is the indoctrination we see in our schools where the students are taught that the United States is the reason the world is in disarray.  Yes, we will all admit our country has made mistakes, some serious and have mistreated some countries or made decisions that have been wrong but except for the radical intentions of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and the hatred these two president had towards those that were not white Europeans, we have tried to do the right thing.  Although, like many other countries we wanted to make sure our interest took precedent in some cases.   We are the most generous nation ever on this planet and history will show this, but if you listen to the critics, you would think we were the former Soviet Union, 1000 times over.  The real problem is power corrupts and we have elected representatives to the White House and Congress that are under the illusion they are King or dictators and have authority over all things and have ignored our constitution and unless we push for the constitution be followed as written, we will cease to exist as a country.  Congress cannot pass legislation that overrides the constitution, but  only through the amendment process can this be done.  This administration and Congress are thinking otherwise.  Remember, any amendment must pass both house of congress by 2/3 vote and 3/4's of approval of the state legislatures or just by the states at a constitution convention and 3/4's vote.  The states have the final say on deleting or amending amendments not the President, Congress, DOJ or any state or government agency.  So any attempt to circumvent the constitution, that congress is trying to do, should be met will outrage.  Ignore the constitution, and our guaranteed unalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness will be gradually taken away as we see happening today.  Speak out now or you will lose your right to free speech.   A study of how Hitler manipulated the citizens of Germany into surrendering their right of free speech, gun possession and you will realize how Hitler was able to maintain power and control through a slow process of gradually removing citizens rights and we know what happen.  Give up a little hear and a little there and you finally surrender.  A peaceful takeover of the country by radical progressives without firing a shot that we will not be able to do, since we will not have any guns. 

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