Monday, April 1, 2013


The president and his minions claimed the end of the world will come if the Sequester happens. The last I looked the world still rotates around the sun and gravity keeps us all in place.  The president and his wife take separate vacations and now their daughters take a spring break trip all costing 100's of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money.  They pay for the vacations, we pay for the security detail.  Vice-President Biden stays one day in France at a cost of over $1 million.  Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whose staff are very well compensated, alleges her staff cannot afford to eat in the Congressional cafeteria.  Yet they claim government does not have enough money and must take more of your hard earned dollars to support a lavish lifestyle most Americans can only dream about.  Cutting government spending is beyond their comprehension.  We fought for our independence against royalty and excessive taxation without representation, but it seems we are making a 180 degree turn from what we sacrificed so much for 220 plus years ago.  These politicians and their extravagant lifestyle that they just push in your face are out of touch with the reality of our government's rising deficit.  Both parties are screwing you with their hypocrisy as they pretend to address the deficit with 10 year plans that actually fall 5 years short of the timeframe we really need.  Remember this in the 2014 election cycle.  That is why you must Trust in God, not government.

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