Monday, April 22, 2013

More on Saudi Arabia, Saudi National and bombing.

Right after the bombing in Boston, plainclothes police officers apprehended a Saudi national that was observed to look suspicious and began to flee the area right after the explosion.  Yes, a lot of people may have fled while others stayed to provide assistance to the victims.  A decision one makes at that time.  But, if you observe a suspicious person and then there is an explosion and that individual flees, your antenna should go up, which in this case happened.  Now, this Saudi national is interviewed and a security alert is placed on the individual as well as other issues that make this person appear as if he may be complicit in this attack.  We might also add, that the older brother in the bombing, drove a Mercedes, had expensive clothes and yet, did not work.  Gee, I wonder where that money came from.  Think maybe the Saudi national was maybe financing this person.  Or am I being Islamaphobic.  God forbid we say anything offensive about Islam.  Christianity is okay, but not Islam 

Now we know, after the 9/11 attack, Pres. Bush shipped out approximately 140 Saudi nationals even while there was a no fly order in affect for all planes and the mainstream media went practically ballistic over the allegation since 14 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi's, so there must be a cover-up.  Now, we have a similar situation, and we hear nothing from the media and we have also learned that DHS and ICE had planned on deporting this Saudi by Tuesday, 4/23.  Then we hear this deportation was put on hold and then we heard nothing.  Now, we are not getting a response from DHS and we do not know if this Saudi was sneaked out of this country over the weekend.  This Saudi had a student visa to attend school in Ohio and yet he established a residence in Boston.  It seems that is a difficult commute to class every day, if he even attended school.  So, we must ask the question why was he residing in Boston, and why was he at the marathon and why was he seen acting suspicious and then observed running?  Especially, since he was a person of interest even before the bombing.  We know that there are 2 Mosques in close proximity to where these 2 bombers resided and both are being financed by Saudi Arabia and both have radical Imams.  And we want to know how they became radicalized.  Well, when you have professors like Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorn, who were domestic terrorist 50 years ago as well as Ward Chuchhill a radical professor in Colorado and some want to know how these people came to hate this country.  Duh.  We are not teaching history of this country in our schools to keep the students dumb to increase the stupidity of our people so when or elected officials or some other group passes legislation, they can get away with doing something contrary to our constitution.  As long as the public remains clueless, we will lose our freedoms.  Remember, the 2nd amendment cannot be changed by Congress with legislation, but only through the amendment process to our constitution.  And yet, the news media and our elected officials are trying to convince the public that legislation is the way to go.  So when you are clueless, they can get away with it. 

Our relationship with the Saudi government is very curious and suspicious.  This goes back at least 20 to 25 years.  We buy oil from the Saudi's, using our money.  We protect them from radicals by having a military base in their country.  We know 14 Saudi's were involved in the 9/11 terror attack.  We know they are playing both sides of the conflicts, furnishing money to radical terrorist groups as well as playing us for suckers.  They are using our oil money as well as oil money from other countries to not only finance their lavish lifestyles, but to finance terror groups.  So, we are in fact financing terror groups to attack us.  Political Correctness has gone amuck.  These groups and those who finance their causes are threats to our freedoms and unless we wake up and yell at our Congressional leaders to investigate this coverup, we will see what we are not finding out in the Benghazi attack.  Why is this government lying to us?  Where is the mainstream media on this story?  They went berserk with the Bush administration on the Saudi situation.  Is maintaining the liberal or some may say the socialist democrats in government more important that maintaining honesty and integrity in our elected officials.  For our republic form of government not to fail, it is the news media that must investigate with vigor this as well as other shady actions.  They did so with the Watergate fiasco, but then again that involved republicans.  Is not going after a particular party or group more important then honesty in government?  If that is the case, as a country we are going to be destroyed by ourselves with those we have elected with an agenda that is contrary to what our Founding Fathers gave us.  Are we going to ban pressure cookers, batteries, wires, gun powder, nails, pellets and ball bearings from being sold to the public just to pretend we are taken action to save our citizens.  More BS from our politicians.  We have a choice to make, either permit our government to lie and deceive us or yell and scream at our government and elected officials or forever hold our silence.  Call your congressional representative today and complain, or don't complain when this government or any future government screws you or violates your constitutional rights.  Remember, if you do not know history, you tend to repeat it and in Germany under Hitler, the people did not speak up and when they finally awakened, it was too late.  Is it going to be too late for us.  You decide.  Burying your head in the sand will not make the problem go away.  The Jews tried that by believing the government lies and we know what happen there.  By the way, the Ft. Hood shooting was not workplace violence as the DOJ, DHS and the White House would like you to believe.  God forbid we call radical Muslim Jihadist terrorist.










































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