Sunday, June 6, 2021

What did Tony Fauci know in 2017 that would happen in 2020

In a video in January 2017, Fauci said the following:  

“…the issue of pandemic preparedness…there is no question that there will be a challenge [for] the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases..But also there will be a surprise outbreak..” – Tony Fauci in 2017  View if you wish.


We now know, that Fauci was funding the Wuhan lab through a 2nd organization.  We also know that at least 3 workers at that lab came down with this covid in October 2019 months before the world knew.  China saw how this covid affected the people in Wuhan and they prevented those living in Wuhan from traveling anywhere within China, but were allowed to fly out of China so they could spread this virus around the world.  This was biological attack on the world.  After all why should China suffer economic issues when they could create economic issues for the rest of the world?   All this done during the 2020 election campaign.  So, again we ask, “What did Fauci know when he said there would be a surprise outbreak” during the Trump administration.  Was Facui working with China that wanted Trump gone?  We know he attempted to hide the NIH from continual funding research at the Wuhan Lab that we might add, was under control of the China military.  Fauci is a diehard registered democrat.  The spread of this virus allowed the democrats to push for mail in ballots that did not require voter ID.  So again, how much did the democrats know also that the rest of us did not?  We must demand the truth, not only from Fauci but from other government agencies that knew what was happening but due to their dislike of Trump, kept it a secret.  Also, why did Fauci collaborate with Facebook to keep the virus scam going?  Amazing that after the release of all these Emails that were misleading us, Facebook lifted their blocking of contrary information on this virus.  Demand answers from your representatives.  Fauci has lied to Congress and we know what would happen to you and me if we lied to Congress.  Fauci and Facebook lied and people died.


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