Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Trump phony impeachment again

Those of us who have read the constitution at least once lately know that it is unconstitutional to attempt an impeachment of a former president.  Impeachment is only meant for a person in office not out of office.  But, this is another attempt that will fail, but only shows the tremendous hate Pelosi and her fellow haters on how far they will go, even if illegal, to discredit a president that has exposed the corruption in government, part of which we are seeing through this 2nd attempt at impeachment.   This too will fail, but only opens up how corrupt our government actually is.  We see with the declassification of documents on the Muller investigation and how corrupt the FBI, CIA, DOJ were under the Obama/Biden administration.   It is being reported that the Durham investigation may very well be handing down indictments on this whole debacle.  The question is “How much knowledge did Biden have on this corrupt and illegal operation and will these actors be prosecuted or be given pardons for their sins?” This entire operation was an attempted coup and today they are attempting to blame Trump for the January 6th Capitol Hill incident.  If you listened to Trump’s speech or read it, in no way did he incite anyone to engage in criminal conduct but said to march to the Capitol and engage in peaceful conduct.  In fact, some government agencies had warned the Capitol that some people were plotting to create a disturbance in the Capitol on that date.  The NYPD, at least 300 miles from the Capitol, also notified the Capitol of this fact.  So, who knew and who ignored the information?  Will this be buried to protect the guilty?  Supposedly, Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell were aware of this.  I guess, this will be buried for 50 years.  Something the swamp is good at. 

So, if it is acceptable to impeach a president out of office then we must also begin impeachment on President Lincoln for suspending Habeas Corpus, President Wilson for claiming he would keep us out of war and then after being elected, brought us into WWl, President Roosevelt for incarcerating Japanese citizens illegally during WWll, President Kennedy for ignoring intelligence and getting us involved in Vietnam war, President LBJ for the phony Gulf of Tonkin incident that accelerated our involvement, President G. W. Bush for invading Iraq on phony allegations against Saddam Hussein, President Obama on the Benghazi incident that actually was a cover-up for the sale of weapons to certain Arab groups that the Ambassador was supposed to negotiate a return without anyone knowing what was originally done.  Of course some of the weapons were used on the Benghazi attack.  This is just a few of former presidents that must have impeachment charges brought against them.  Maybe we could get President George Washington for chopping down a cherry tree in his youth.  The environmentalist would be for that. 








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