Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Silent coup successful

Since President Trump came down the escalator in 2015, the democrats have been attempting to first prevent Trump from getting the nomination and when he became president to try to impeach him.  All attempts failed from Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion and the famous phone call to the Ukraine.  Nothing these radicals socialist claimed to have happen, never did, so the impeachment attempt to rid Trump from the White House failed.  However, a better plan was in the works for nearly two years.  To corrupt the election process so fraudulent votes could be counted.  This was the plan and it was successful.  According to the constitution only the state legislators can change the election laws in their state and not either political party, the courts, the governor, secretary of state or even the Supreme Court.  However, in this past  election the Supreme Court negated their responsibility, to rule on a case brought before them where they could have referred to the constitution that only the state legislators can change the election laws, thus throwing out millions of fraudulent ballots that were either unsigned, signatures did not match, unregistered voters, illegal voters etc.  But the Supreme Court punted and looked the other way by not addressing the issue and ruling appropriately.  Of course some of the blame also belongs to the state legislators that could have called an emergency session and addressed this issue, but since these state legislators were mostly republican controlled, we know a backbone would never be found.

So a person is elected president, who campaigned from his basement, or when he ventured out, campaigned in front of mostly 6 to 25 people, many of them reporters.  But this candidate did receive approximately 80 million votes of which probably some 30 million were fraudulent.  But, who cares.  Not the democrats, corrupt news media, social medial and yes, some republicans who enjoyed living in the swamp and did not want it destroyed.

So we are now going to see more government control over our lives as to what we can say, where we can live, what we can eat, what we are permitted to drive and to keep our mouths shut. 

China Joe Biden, is president in name only.  The real president is Obama.  Unlike most previous presidents, Obama did not move out of Washington DC after the Trump election.  In fact, he bought a 2nd house on Martha’s Vineyard, but after the election put it up for sale.  That is why many of the appointments China Joe Biden is making are all former members of the Obama administration.  The one person who has a direct uninterrupted line to Obama is Susan Rice.  You remember Susan Rice who claimed that the attack on Benghazi was the result of a movie nobody ever heard of.  So, the lying Susan Rice will actually be in command of all things in the White House and will be directing everything according to what Obama tells her.  For China Joe Biden’s, benefit the White House has a basement. 

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