Sunday, January 17, 2021

Defund the Police and more

It is interesting that one of the leaders of the Defund the Police is the idiot (AOC) who pushed this issue, but with the violence at the Capitol on January 6th her and the other 3 seem to have changed their tune and applauded the job the Capitol police did under trying circumstances and wanted to make sure the Capitol remains secure.  Naturally, they would want the Capitol protected because they work there, but for the rest of the country, they could give a rat’s ass.  Defund the Police where you live and work but not where they are.

The media likes to praise the selections China Joe Biden is making for his cabinet positions.  However, if the truth be known he is not making the selections, but Obama is as these are the same personnel he had in his administration. 

China Joe Biden was thrilled to learn that the Trump administration has made improvements in the White House basement so China Joe Biden can feel right at home. 

So, as I have said earlier, there were members of Antifa and BLM at the Capitol disturbance on January 6th and it appears members of Congress like Nancy Pelosi were forewarned, but why do anything when you can blame any disturbance on Trump so one can attempt another impeachment.

China Joe Biden under the control of the swamp is going to push for a $15 per hour minimum wage.  This is great as many businesses will not be able to make a profit unless they discharge employees or raise prices that will add to inflation.  Fast food restaurants like McDonald’s who may have 30 or 40 employees, will now be using almost exclusively the Kiosk for their patrons and thus reducing their employees.  Many other companies will be doing the same thus increasing unemployment and adversely affecting our economy.  Walmart is even going to complete self-service registers at their MarketPlace stores rather than continue with manned cash registers.  We will see unemployment rising to the 12 to 15 % level, but without Trump in the White House who will the socialist democrats blame.  In keeping with what Obama did for over 6 years where he blamed Bush, the socialist will naturally blame Trump and the news media will push this as well as social media. 


If you are on social media and write negative stories on Trump or any republican you can rest assured it will not be deleted.   Free speech will be gone together with the first 4 constitutional amendments.  Why do what the constitution demands that to change the constitution one must use the amendment process when Congress can legislate changes and the courts will not interfere.  This includes the Supreme Court that appears to be MIA.

Eliminating the Electoral College would mean that approximately 40 states could not compete with the more populated states and their vote for president would be meaningless.  The question for the people living in those less populated states that have democratic House and Senate members, will their reps vote to eliminate the Electoral College and negate their vote for president?  Will news media and the social media sites that are collaborating with the socialist democrats even mention this when Congress is ready to vote on this item?  Imagine having representatives in Congress that will stick it up your butt.  Well, we know they do that anyway on many issues with the hope one will never read legislation they voted for. 




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