Saturday, October 3, 2020

Trump/Biden campaign and the country’s future

It became obvious during the presidential debate that Basement Biden is clueless to what the DNC 110 page manifesto contains and exactly what he has on his web site.  The Green New Deal is front and center to what Sen. Sanders and the idiot (AOC) have been pushing and Basement Biden was for it before he was against it.  He supports the Green New Deal except when he is questioned on it, then he gets a little foggy in his response.  He supports defunding the police but when questioned, he is against it.  He is the typical politician who changes what he supports or does not support depending on where he is at that particular time.

In contrast, President Trump tells you what he supports and does not support and then follows through.  Why is that?  Because he is not a politician but a business man who demands you do your job or find something else to do while he does what he says he will do.  This is extremely upsetting to the swamp and they have been exposed by the Trump presidency and they are trying their best to overthrow his presidency.  The power the swamp was accumulating in government has been exposed and under the Trump presidency is being dismantled, although not fast enough for most of us, as the resistance is pushing back and using their friends in the phony and fake news media to dispense false stories and allegations against Trump, his family and associates.  Even today, since Trump and Melania have been diagnosed with Covid-19, the news these media outlets are reporting has become outrageous, filled with false information and even to the point that some were hoping Trump would die.  But, when the swamp sees the power and control they were accumulating being destroyed bit by bit, they are and will use whatever means at their disposal in an attempt to destroy the Trump presidency.

What we are seeing today is that the Socialist Democratic Party under the leadership of the admitted communist Bernie Sanders and the idiot pushing a socialist/Marxist/communist form of government.   Since many students have been taught that capitalism is bad and we can only become a great country by turning to communism or Marxism.  Of course, one can search where this form of government has been successful and they will only find misery, corruption and imprisonment or death to those who oppose this form of government.  Just looking at Venezuela, Cuba today and you will see what this form of government does to the people.   

So, this election we have a choice of continuing living under our constitution as written over 230 year ago, or under a totalitarian form of government where government dictates what you can and cannot do, except those in power do whatever they want. 

By the way, Basement Biden says Antifa is just an idea, except that this is the first idea that is burning buildings, destroying business, assaulting the people and the police as well as terrorizing neighborhoods.  But it is just an idea.  Me thinks Basement Biden has been in his basement a little too long.   Biden wants us to believe that all these domestic terrorist are Trump supporters.  And this brain dead person wants to be president.  God help us if the voters are that stupid.

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