Friday, October 9, 2020

A House Divided cannot stand

A well-known verse from the Bible that is used many times to understand certain scenarios.   Today, this verse applies to our country.  What we have been witnessing is a divided country since the election of President Trump.   The reason for those of us with a brain to see what candidate Trump promised, “To drain the swamp, “coming to fruition.   This is why we have seen Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion, Impeachment and now the latest by Nancy Pelosi, the 25th Amendment.  Again, those of us with a brain know that this is just reaching for anything to get Trump out of office.  As usual this too will fail.  As many who are constitutional scholars, that means those who do not have a political agenda, have said Pelosi’s latest attempt is not what the 25th Amendment is used for.  President is up and about, doing his usual job for our country, contributing approximately 20 hours a day to his job.  Pelosi, cannot even do 8 hours.  It appears that Pelosi has some mental health issued or is completely paranoid that the President will win this election further exposing the corruption in our government that will affect both parties.  As more and more declassified documents come out exposing the silent coup that the socialist democrats were involved in, the more the American people will see this entire past 5 years that these socialist, Marxist and communist wasted government money in a vain attempt to remove President Trump.  These socialist are well aware that President Trump will win this election even with their attempt to use fraudulent votes to get Basement Biden elected.   

With Gina Haspel and Christopher Wray in charge of the CIA and FBI, attempting to withhold files the President has requested be declassified and not redacted certain action may be taken, but not until after the election.  Haskell is attempting to withhold this info as some believe she had firsthand knowledge of all this corruption since she has been in the CIA since 1985.  After Trump wins in November, you can expect these individuals to be fired.  He would do it now, but we all know how the socialist democrats would claim they were uncovering documents on Trump colluding with Russia.   However, we have learned from the latest document declassification that the Russia connection in the 2016 election involved Hillary Clinton and not Trump.  As usual, when these socialist claim what Trump is doing, you can rest assured with 100% accuracy that this is what they are doing.  It is the old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do”.  We have seen that lately with Pelosi with no mask while at a closed beauty shop, the mayor of Chicago getting a haircut when nobody else could, the governor of Michigan husband, attempting to get his boat in the water over Memorial Day claiming he was the husband of the governor, and just recently Maxine Waters getting caught not wearing a mask, but claiming she has a mask and a staff member gave her one that was obviously never worn.  I might add the mayor Philadelphia traveling to Delaware to eat in a restaurant while Philadelphians could not.  So, do as they say or you will be fined.   

All these socialist democratic governors and mayors are violating the 1st, 2nd Amendments and if by some freak of nature, Basement Biden was elected, you can rest assured, you will lose your rights as they will expand the Supreme Court with radical judges who will made decision based on how they interpret the constitution and not interpret the constitution as written.  These socialist know they cannot change the constitution through the amendment process so will use the Supreme Court to make changes.  In other words, using unelected people doing the job that is the responsibility of Congress.  And if you do not believe that, then you have been asleep for many years or have just arrived from another planet.  A vote for Basement Biden is a vote to lose your rights.  What is Basement Biden going to do.?  As he said yesterday, elect me and then I will tell you.   Just like Pelosi said on Obamacare, we must pass it to see what is in it.   What was in it, did not make over 50% of the population happy.  At least the President is not afraid of telling the voters exactly what he intends to do.  “Remember, Promises Made, Promises Kept”.  President Trump is not afraid, while Basement Biden must hide his radical agenda.  Does not take a brain surgeon to see what they are hiding, but must keep their agenda away from the voters and they will be rejected. 


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