Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Biden, the radical extreme left democrats and our Constitution

The first question is why did the Founding Fathers give us the Constitution we have had for 230 years? We must go back to the colonial days under King George III.  King George III, wanted to rule the colonies with an iron fist rather than rule with understanding and permitting the colonies more liberty.  If he had done that, there would have been no 1776.  So, our Founders saw what the future would be like under such tyranny and decided to begin a movement to break away from England.   They knew, England was the biggest military and naval force on the planet and to revolt against England was not and would not be easy.  One thing they knew, was that England and France were in continuous conflict and if England used all their military might against the colonies, then this would leave an opening for France to expand their conquest.  Something England had to prepare against. 

So, our Founders issued our Declaration of Independence.  Part of this document states “All men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  That to secure these rights, government derives their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This document, together with our Constitution is what has governed our country for all these years.  However, today we are witnessing what the radical left and the Socialist Democratic Party want to change our Constitution.  To change the Constitution requires two thirds of both Houses of Congress and approval by three fourths of the state legislatures.  Or by two thirds of the states calling for a Constitutional Convention.  In either case three fourths of the state legislatures must approve any changes proposed by congress or by three fourths of the states at a Constitutional Convention.  Thus, 38 dates are required to pass an amendment in either case.  Something these socialist democrats cannot muster to pass what changes they want in the constitution.  That is why they are so concerned with the Supreme Court appointments.  President Trump wants to appoint judges to the Supreme Court that will interpret the Constitution as written while the radicals want the court to interpret the Constitution as they believe is appropriate for today.  In other words, rule on changes to the Constitution since they know their radical changes would not be approved by the states or Congress.  So, getting control of the Supreme Court even if they increase the members to 15, would ensure their radical ideas would be passed and used to govern and control the population for at least a 100 years if not longer.  Taking control of the Senate would also insure government control over the people as they would have the votes to approve all presidential appointments by a fellow socialist president.  Joe Biden is their puppet and they are pulling the strings to get him elected.  Listen carefully to what Sen. Schumer is saying and believe him.  Control over you and what you can and cannot do is their objective and they will use whatever means necessary to accomplish this. 

Their desire is to eliminate or change some of the 10 Bill of Rights in our constitution as follows:

#1- Restrict freedom of speech, restrict what the press can print or broadcast, and the right to assemble.  King George II wanted to make sure any printed material met with approval of England and one had to be a member of the Church of England in order to advance in business, government and the military

#2-Take away your right to possess a firearm.  In order for government to control the people they must remove all weapons from the citizens just as King George II attempted, but the colonist would hide their weapons.  So the Founders knew as long as the people possessed firearms, they would be a threat to anyone or group attempting to overthrow the government.  We saw this in the former Soviet Union, Germany under Hitler, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and China today.

#3-Eliminate completely.  Because the British would just quarter their military in your home whether you approved or not.

#4-Search if required without a warrant.  The British did this all the time and we can see this happening as we saw what the Obama/Biden administration did in attempting the silent coup against the duly elected President Trump.  They fabricated lies to benefit everything they did.    

#5-Bail and trial by jury became optional depending on whether you were loyal to the crown or not.  But, many times that did not matter anyway.   The military would do whatever they wanted.  Their rule was law and so whatever the radical members of congress passed, the Supreme Court would support in their rulings.   

These are some of the changes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris along with their handlers want to implement if they can get control of Congress and the White House. 

I will also remind everyone what Obama said in an interview over 12 years ago that as a country we had negative rights that did not come from government and he believed all rights should come from government.  So, what he said then seems to be materializing today.  Makes you wonder who those are pulling the strings on Biden.

As of this writing, we see where the polls have Biden up by anywhere from 11 to 14 points.   If you review the polls from 2016, you will see just about the same poll numbers that had Hillary up over Trump.  We know how that went.  These polls are attempting to discourage voters from not showing up to vote for Trump as those in the media are saying, just as they did in 2016, that the election is just about over.   Trump supporters will not abandon Trump and he will win by even more votes than in 2016.  The socialist democrats know this and that is why they are encouraging mail in voting so they can corrupt the entire process and throw the entire election in the Supreme Court.  However, with judges in the Supreme Court that will rule according to the Constitution, they will do their best to railroad the latest presidential nominee. 

This election is the most important election in the history of our country and will determine if we remain a Constitutional Republic or become another corrupt country run by a group of members of the Politburo. 









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