Monday, November 25, 2019

Impeachment Hearings, Trump and the Socialist Party

As for now, the hearings are over while we all enjoy Thanksgiving, giving thanks for the greatest country the world has ever seen, while the radicals try to destroy this country and turn us into another Venezuela. 

Rest assured though, the socialist democrats will still continue their efforts to remove President Trump from office by any means possible.  This is nothing but a silent coup and these impeachment hearings have indicated that. It was no more obvious when Lt. Co. Vindman testified.  He was upset that President Trump did not follow his talking points during the infamous phone call, as he was an “expert” with Ukraine.   It was also obvious from the hearings that the Trump haters echoed this sentiment.  They all were under the illusion that they and not the president set foreign policy and this president was not listening to them. 

The socialist democrats are also upset since President Trump is exposing the “deep state” within the government agencies where they believe they run the country and not the president.  The president’s belief is other countries, especially the European countries, should be active participants in providing financial assistance, using their military and not our country always stepping up.  President Trump also does not want to get trapped into these endless wars that is not only a drain on our budget, but most important sending our military members home in coffins or missing limbs.  But, if we must get involved militarily, then use all the military force necessary to bring any conflict to a quick conclusion.  Takes the gloves off the military and let them to what they have been trained to do using all the equipment the taxpayers have provided.  If all the military lawyers are upset, then let them put on the combat uniform and join the front lines and observe what is meant by only seconds to react. 

I must repeat what Sen. Schumer stated a few years ago that if President Trump messes with the intelligence community “they have 6 ways from Sunday to get you”.  The so called impeachment hearings, have shown this to be true and the investigations by the IG, Durham and Barr will emphasize the corruption in our government and the attempted coup that is still ongoing.  Hopefully, following the socialist party mantra, “That nobody is above the law”, we will see prosecutions of all those involved in this coup attempt from Hillary, DNC members, Brennan, Clapper, Comey and the two love birds in the FBI among others. 

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