Thursday, November 14, 2019

If you are rich, watch out for the Bitch (AKA Pocahontas)

Now we know, as if it was a big secret, that Sen. Pocahontas (AKA Warren) has her eyes on the rich so she can tax the hell out of them to provide the money for her expensive programs.  However, those of us with a brain, know if you even tax the rich at 100% it will still not be enough to cover the cost.  So, we all will see an increase in taxes contrary to what she claims.  In fact, all the socialist presidential candidates have identified programs that they want to implement if elected that can only be financed by taxing not only the rich, but the middle class as well.  Those individuals that have worked hard and have become rich by developing and implementing their ideas should not be punished just because they are successful.  These rich also invest in and grow their businesses that provide employment for many.  Taxing them and their profitable businesses will destroy our growing economy.  Companies want to be profitable and grow, but taxing the hell out of them reduces their profit margin and will result in less growth and less people employed.  Just dwell on this, if you own a fast food company of 30 employees with an hourly starting wage of $11, and you are being forced to implement a $15 an hour wage, you will reduce your employees from 30 to 15 to maintain your profit margin while using more self ordering kiosk.  Common sense tells you that you cannot operate a business or company at a loss.  You must make a profit to pay salaries, benefits and reinvest in your company so it will grow.  Take that away and you reduce employment and an economic disaster awaits.  As we have seen throughout history, wherever socialism, Marxism and Communism have been implemented, economic disaster follows.  And the only rich people left are those that run the country.  

So, if you desire a socialist candidate, which these socialist democratic presidential all are, then be prepared for a collapse of our economy as our taxes rise and unemployment soars.  

But, if the rich want to pay more in taxes, as some allegedly claim, then all they have to do is write a check to the IRS.   The IRS will gladly accept all donations. 

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