Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The democrats and the November election

We are now in the 6th month since the presidential election and the Democratic Party and their radical members are showing their true colors that appear to have been suppressed for years.  The hate and viral visceral and the sometime violent demonstrations against conservatives and just about anyone who disagrees with their radical views. The democratic members in Congress under the leadership of Schumer and Pelosi have stated they will not cooperate with President Trump and will move in an attempt to block all their initiatives.  Yet, they complain when the republicans will not include them in legislation.  It is either their way or they will disrupt.  

The democrats believe in having government dictate to the people when our Founders believe in the people dictating to the government.  Our Founders believed in the citizens taking on personal responsibility rather than government responsibility.  We see how government control is working today in Venezuela.  Socialism has never worked, contrary to what our democratic comrades (Sanders, Warren) would like you to believe.  Rather than the dumb millennials rallying around these jerks, they should take the time to examine where socialism, communism and Marxism have been successful.  They could research all the way back to the Neanderthal man and not find success, but the thought of government supplying their needs and wants without costing them money, sounds good.  Of course, those of us actually with a brain realize nothing is free.  The taxpayers pay.  It is taking from those who make money and giving to those who do not.                                  
We are fortunate that Trump was elected to expose this hate, the true Democratic Party.  What is really interesting is these democratic hate people are all have PHD after their name. (Post Hillary depression) 
But, the other problem is we have weak kneed republican leadership in the House and Senate, more so the House.  But, President Trump is learning quickly and this bothers the republican leadership that he is beginning to see the real problems in Congress, better known as the swamp.  What we really need is a constitutional amendment for term limits.  Four terms for House and two terms for the Senate and no more than 12 years total in Congress so you cannot run for the House and then after 8 years run for the senate.  It would also be nice to repeal the 17th amendment and go back to what our Founders originally designed.  But, we also know, criminals will not legislate against themselves.  It is up to the people to demand a Constitutional Convention with the agenda public so we will know exactly what they will vote on and nothing else.  Of course this takes 38 states to pass an amendment, but not beyond impossibility.  Just must overcome the false and fake rhetoric that this will bring to the surface. 

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