Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Libya raises its ugly head again and the Ambassador that knew too much

We saw when Regan was president that he sent a few planes over Libya in an attempt to send Omar Khadafy to an early grave.  It was not successful, but Omar got the message and since the 80’s kept a low profile.  Then we saw our illustrious leader former President Obama assist Libya rebels in deposing of Omar as leader as again our great leader believed in the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical groups should be in charge.  We saw that in Egypt where our great leader was instrumental in getting the Muslim Brotherhood to win the Egyptian election after our great leader was able to get Hosni Mubarak, the leader of Egypt removed from office. We saw how well that went as the Egyptian people rose up against the Muslim Brotherhood and had their leader Mohamed Morsi removed and the Muslim Brotherhood driven from office.  In case you did not know, Valerie Jarrett, our former great leader’s close confident was raised a Muslim, just like Obama and her parents were proud supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood.  

As a result of these two moves by our great leader at that time, led to what we now know as the Benghazi attack on our embassy personnel.  Chris Stevens, our ambassador at the time was sent to Benghazi to locate all the weapons that the Obama administration sold to “so called friendlies” that we found out were far form that.  In addition to that job, he also was negotiating with a member of the Turkey delegation concerning a boat load of weapons in a port in Turkey earmarked for another group of radicals.  As we all know, the members of the Benghazi embassy as well as members of the CIA that arrived on the scene requested help that fell on deaf ears.  The Obama people claimed there was not enough time, yet they did not know that this attack was going to be repelled for over 13 hours, more than enough time for additional help to arrive.  Could it be that Ambassador Stevens was a man who knew too much and did not like the way our great leader was selling weapons to radical groups and became a liability based on what he knew.   So, too eliminate a potential problem, send no help and decline all those that were requesting the approval to go. Another question on this incident that has never been answered is where were Hillary and Obama while this attack was ongoing and why did Susan Rice lie to the American people.  

Today we are still talking about Seth Rich that was reported shot and killed last year in a robbery.  What makes this incident interesting is that if a robbery, why was all his property on his person still on his person.  A robber would be taking his wallet, watch, other money and property.  But, alas, nothing was taken and yet they still called this a robbery.  Shot in the back by the way.  How you can call this incident a robbery is beyond my comprehension and those in law enforcement who are quite familiar with such crimes.  The other question that needs to be answered is who told the police dept. not to pursue this crime and just call it a robbery.  We know, Seth Rich was a member of the DNC that supplied WikiLeaks with all the Emails they published last summer that involved the DNC and their successful attempt to prevent Sen. Sanders from securing the Democratic nomination.  Since Hillary was involved in securing the Democratic nomination, makes one wonder how did Vince Foster really die.  We know he was shot, but was it really suicide as the position the body was found in, left one to question how that was possible. 

We also know that both China and Russia were able to hack into Hillary’s server that led to the murder of CIA Chinese agents in China, but the lame stream media have not talked about this, but instead keep on talking about a Russian/Trump connection that all previous Congressional hearing have said it did not happen.  But we do know there is a Hillary and Podesta Russia connection that is well documented.  But, they are democrats, so that is okay.   
But, eventually we will get the truth before the end of the year or in early 2018.  The democrats and their friendly media are still pushing a Trump/Russia non-existent connection with hope of dragging this out through the 2018 election.  However, God will not allow these groups to succeed and that you can take to the bank.  Trump was elected to save our country from these groups just as we have been saved through the revolutionary war, the war of 1812, civil war, WWI and WWII and the cold war.  We will be successful again.

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