Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Shadow government? Obama and more.

We have been witnessing the violence and hate attacks against conservative speakers, on college campuses in addition to outburst we have seen when congressman held their meetings with their constituents.   These demonstrations were not spontaneous but financed by Organization for America, a group supported by Obama as well as other groups financed by George Soros.   These groups and organizations are out to destroy the Trump presidency by any means possible.  Their plans for the destruction of our constitution and our country went up in smoke on November 8th.  Obama had laid the ground work and Hillary was supposed to complete the destruction.  But, since this did not work out the way they planned, we are witnessing their response of hate, verbal assaults and physical assaults upon those who support Trump as well as the Trump administration.  The democrats has shown and have indicated they will refuse to come together for the good of the country, but have vowed to obstruct the Trump administration at every opportunity.  That my friends is where we are today. 

The news media is leading the attack with their false rhetoric of fake news and incomplete or inaccurate stories as they are doing their part to destroy this presidency.  However, most of the people in this country are beginning to realize the lies from the news media and democrats and what the end game is.  Destroy the Trump presidency, destroy our constitution and bring us to a socialist/Marxist country.  

Now, for years we heard about how the Obama administration was moving towards developing his own private army and all the reports on various exercises conducted around the country.  With that in mind, Google Jade Helm and see what some believe and decide for yourself.

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