Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump, Hillary and the video plus more.

So we have a video of Trump making sexual remarks on females that anyone who has ever spent time in a locker room have heard similar remarks.  Although many if not all of us can say that these remarks are offensive, but they are only words that do not and have not jeopardized the security of the United States.  On the other hand, we have Hillary that sent highly classified and confidential Emails through a private unsecured server that according to the FBI was surely hacked.  So, we have Trump using locker room language in discussing females that endangers no one and Hillary that endangered only 330 million US citizens.   

We have two candidates that have flaws, and the only person that has ever lived on this planet without flaws was Jesus.  We know we will never get the perfect candidate, so we have to look at the individual’s past and present actions to form a consensus on our selection.  

In Hillary, we have a person that has lied most of her life from her firing on the Watergate Commission as an aide, to Benghazi and the debacle in Libya, the Russian reset button, and the entire unrest and wars in the Middle East that has gone from bad to worst under her leadership while Secretary of State in addition to using a private server. In Hillary, a person that the next time she tells the truth will be the first.  Today, we had more WikiLeaks Email disclosures and we see that in a debate with Bernie, she was give one question that was going to be asked.  Not heard from Bernie yet on that one.  We also have learned that some of these Emails contained anti-Catholic rhetoric that mocked that religion and those who are practicing Catholics.  Imagine the outraged if the Trump campaign did such things.  But with the news media in that tank for Hillary, we will not hear much about this or if we do, the media will offer excuses.  These Emails have also disclosed there are two Hillary policies, one she tells her friends in private and the other she tells in public.  Lying to the American people is standard operating procedure for Hillary and her democrats.  

In Trump we have a candidate that is waging a fight on three fronts.  He is fighting democrats, the news media and those elitist republicans who fear a Trump victory will destroy and expose their corruption in congress as well as the Republican Party.  We already know the democrats are beyond help and the socialist/Marxist have taken control.  This in all probability is our last free election if the democrats succeed in capturing the presidency.  

It is interesting that some republicans do not want Trump, who has not exposed secrets to foreign countries, has not cost lives of four in Benghazi, among other lives lost due to Hillary’s idiotic and corrupt foreign policy.  Not to mention the pay to play Clinton Criminal Foundation.  But, with all the lies, dishonesty, and untrustworthy, all democrats support her.  Why?  It is all about power and control of the government over the people.  The opposite of what our Founders fought against in the Revolutionary War.  Our constitution states, government of the people, by the people and for the people, not of the party and for the party or government that dictates what citizens can and cannot do.  If Hillary gets election, you can kiss your constitutional rights goodbye.  We know the constitution can only be changed through the Amendment process, but what we have seen is the court system changing the constitution, although it is not in the constitution that courts can do that.  Courts can declare a law unconstitutional according to the constitution as written, and not according to ideology.  Yet, our elected representatives have not done anything about this.  Supreme Court justices are supposed to be selected by either party in power to make decisions according the constitution as written and not ideology.  That is why if Hillary gets elected, her justices will destroy our constitutional rights for at least the next 20 to 30 years.  But, if you do not care and believe this will not happen, then you must have been asleep for the past 100 years.  

Hillary also claims that she supports children and programs for children most of her life.  Of course, she forgets to add this only applies when you are outside the womb.  She believes abortion is acceptable from conception to the day of birth. That is what she said in June.  Under Hillary, Black Lives Matter, but not in the womb.  Depending on what state you reside in, blacks are aborted from 34% to 42%.  This is why Planned Parenthood was foundered by Margaret Sanger, to eliminate the black race and all those that are a financial medical burden or suffer from mental health or are developmentally disabled.   Hitler thanked Sanger for providing him with the idea to develop the Aryan race and destroy those that are not physically, mentally or the perfect physical specimen.  

So, this is the choice we have and whether we like it or not, we must vote.  Hillary or Trump.  A no vote is a vote for more government control of our lives and Hillary.  Trump is not a politician, (quite obvious), a successful businessman that understands a business just like a government cannot survive if it continues to spend, spend, and spend without cutting cost.  

From George Washington to George W. Bush, we accumulated nearly $10 Trillion in debt and during the 7 ½ years of the Obama administration we have seen our debt double to nearly $20 Trillion.  Hillary will continue the Obama programs and she will be spending us into bankruptcy.  Something to think about.  If you think our economy is in trouble now, just wait if Hillary gets elected. Better start putting your money under your mattress.  That is if you have any money.  It was reported yesterday that nearly 66% of the people have less than a $1000 in the bank.  This includes those with an income of $100,000 to $140,000.  So, the choice is yours to either choose a businessman or a liberal who enjoys spending other people’s money.  Our country and our future is at stake. 

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