Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Donald Trump, a cry baby?

So, Donald Trump is upset that Ted Cruz followed the rules and was able to collect the Colorado delegates.  The rules not established by Cruz, but by those in the Republican Party that do not want either Cruz or Trump as their nominee was formulated back around August of last year.  These establishment party officials were hoping that Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or some other established candidate would be the person who would garner these votes.  So, these establishment officials screwed themselves and Cruz, with his ground game and knowledge of the rules, was able to use the system instituted against him and Trump to get the votes.  

But as usual, as we have seen this entire campaign, Trump cries and complains that the rules are unfair.  What he does not say is he is attempting to gain the Republican nomination on the cheap, and spending as little money as possible.  He claims he is using his own money, but not spending that much and using the news media to get on the airwaves free.  Of course with the Trump News Network (AKA Fox) he gets a ton of free publicity and is really not required to actually explain how he will implement his policies.  Tonight, Hannity will be appearing on the Trump show at 10 pm.  Hannity is kissing Trump’s butt so much, I guess he is hoping for a position in the Trump administration.  I imagine, Trump will be calling Cruz a liar for just exposing Trump’s numerous changes on positions and his statements.  For that, Trump labels Cruz a liar for exposing Trump him.  A cry baby when he gets caught in his misstatements or misrepresenting the facts to suit his changing positions. 

Imaging how Trump will respond if he does win the presidency and has to deal with Putin, Middle East Sheiks, China, Mexico and North Korea among other countries.  Will he cry they are treating him unfairly?    

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