Friday, April 8, 2016

Corruption, Freebees and political lies

Did you ever notice that some of the richest people in our country are politicians?    When Bill Clinton was elected president his salary as governor of Arkansas was approximately $45,000 and today him and Hillary are worth over $150 million.  This does not include the Clinton criminal Foundation where they stash illegal contributions from quid pro quo countries and other contributors looking for favors. Of course, since these people are politicians, we cannot call it bribery since we all know you cannot bribe a politician.  As Donald Trump as indicated he bought politicians for favors, but did not bribe them.  Of course if you believe anything the Clintons, Trump or others have been involved in, that this is just how transactions are done with government at all levels, then what have we become as a country? 

The only way to stop this type of government and politicians is to prosecute them as criminals and make sure they all serve time in jail.  Contrary to what some may say, it does make a difference. 

That is why we need a person elected president that is not involved in these transactions or is willing to make everything free as Bernie Sanders would like to do.  Of course how Bernie will do that is a mystery.  If he raises taxes, then everyone will be paying, even those who believe they are getting something for free.  Government does not give you anything for free.  Somebody is always paying and that someone will be anyone who pays taxes.   

Our country was founded on the principle idea that if you work hard, you can be successful and it is not due do your position or family status.  However, we know our illustrious president believes no matter how hard you may work to be a success, it was government, your employers and others that made you successful. The fact that you may have developed your idea in your basement or garage and took a chance with financial investment, it was somebody else that made you successful.  That is because our president and his Marxist progressives believe government should dictate your salary and what your company can and cannot do.  Under Obama, success is not an option unless government approves your business tactics and through his control government agencies, he is doing his best to cripple industry through regulations.  A form of domestic thievery through government action. 

Obama, Hillary and friends believe government should be the decider on how much you should make in income and not you.  Welcome to the world of socialism, Marxist Progressivism.  If you believe the democratic socialist progressives believe in self- determination, you are living in a dream world.  They want government to control all aspects of your life.  We have seen how will this has worked in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries as well as North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela today. 

The progressive argument that everything in life must be fair and just is another way of theft.  Neither our constitution nor life claims everything must be fair or just.  Life is what you make it through hard work.  The playing field is not level and never will be.  Opportunities are there if one sees it and then seizes it.  Not everyone will be a successful entrepreneur and we may become an employee rather than an employer.  But that does not mean you cannot be a success in life.  But Obama, Hillary and company believe this can only happen with government.  Those of us with half a brain, know that government is the problem and not the solution.   Government does not create anything.  Private entrepreneurs do.  Government may assist in financial aid when seeking better military equipment etc., but it is not government employees that build things, but private businesses.   Obama, Hillary and company would like you to believe you cannot be a success in life without the help of government. 

FDR gave us a Ponzi scheme with social security and LBJ took it a step further by taking our social security contributions and using them for his Great Society program.  So all those who have contributed to social security must realize that there is no money in the bank (Locked Box) and now we must either limit or reduce benefits or maybe no benefits to those who have a retirement income excluding SS over a certain amount. 

Remember this, as Hillary and Obama claim they are fighting for the little guy, they are living and will live high on the hog by various thievery schemes.  As I have said many times with these two and other progressives, while they are waving their right hand, watch what the left hand is doing.   They will tell you what not to do while they are doing it. 

More government control of your life will not make your life better, but only bring more misery with the lies by those advocating government control.  Remember the Obamacare lies.  You can keep your doctor, if you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare, you will save at least $2500 a year, and the approximately 30 million uninsured will have healthcare.  All lies. 

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