Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Does sarcasm and insults make for a good president?

We have seen Donald Trump since we had 17 Republicans initially running for the presidential nomination and Trump has insulted everyone.  Now that it is down to three, he has continued this assault.  Ted Cruz is known as lying Ted because Cruz exposed his hypocrisy on the mixed statements he has made over the past year and his previous positions that miraculously changed after he began his run.    
He is now calling Hillary names.  Calling people names hides his lack of details on his positions.  He makes glorious statements on what he is going to do as president, but all his statements lack details.  So, the next time Trump spouts a stand he is going to take, ask for the details.  Of course his response will be, “you do not want to know what I am going to do”.  His typical answer for somebody who is clueless.  We already have a clueless president and we do not need another. 
Both Trump and Hillary average about 70% in unpopularity and why would we want to elect anybody with that type of rating?  The voters in this country had better wake up or we will be heading down the road to our destruction.
The democrats have handpicked their candidate by using super delegates that flock to Hillary and the Republican Party do not want either Trump or Cruz as their candidate since this is not who the party elite want. They need somebody they can control and neither Cruz nor Trump are in that mold.   However, Cruz at least gives details on his positions why Trump continues on the road to outlandish untrue allegations against Cruz who has exposed his hypocrisy.  Just think how world leaders will respond to Trump as president.  Trump already complains about being treated unfairly because he cannot accept being beaten.  Putin will have a great time with Trump.

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