Monday, February 22, 2016

Will Donald Trump be the next Maximilien de Robespierre

It is amazing how history has a tendency to repeat itself.  Maybe not to this extreme, but there are similarities.

At age 30, Robespierre was elected to the Estates General of the French legislature. He became increasingly popular with the people for his attacks on the French monarchy and his advocacy for democratic reforms. He also opposed the death penalty and slavery. Some of his colleagues saw his refusal to compromise and his rigid stand against all authority as extreme and impractical. After a time he left the legislature to push his agenda outside of government

On July 27, 1793, Maximilien Robespierre was elected to the Committee of Public Safety, formed to oversee the government with virtual dictatorial control. Faced with pressures both from the outside and from within, the Revolutionary government instituted the Reign of Terror in September. In the next 11 months, 300,000 suspected enemies of the Revolution were arrested and more than 17,000 were executed, most by guillotine. In the orgy of bloodshed, Robespierre was able to eliminate many of his political opponents.

Remember, Hitler was elected to make Germany great again and voice his objection to the Treaty of Versailles that was partly to mostly responsible for destroying Germany’s economy.  So, the door was opened for Hitler.  And years later when the German people realized what they elected, it was too late.

Robespierre and Hitler saw the opportunity to make their countries great again and it ended in destruction of what they wanted to do to their country.  The American voter had better wake up before they realize what they are supporting will destroy them and our country. Know history before it is too late.  Trump is out to make Trump great again and he will do what Obama administration has been doing, using government agencies to go after his enemies.  Who are they?  Those that disagree with him on any issue.  Notice how he has been attacking his fellow republican candidates with such visceral.  

This country will not survive Trump, Hillary or Bernie.  Our past will just be a memory.  Power not to the people, but to the leaders to control the people.  That is why the democrats have what is called, “Superdelegates” so the party will make sure they get to select the candidate they want, not what the people vote for.  As for the republicans, they are going after everyone that might expose their hypocrisy.  Trump is a deal maker and through his deals the RINO republicans will remain in power and both the democrats and republicans will do anything to remain in power, even if the country will be destroyed.  If destroyed as we know it, they will still remain in power.  The voters are angry at Washington, but the parties are doing their best to manipulate the voting process to get the candidate they want or can be used. 

Obama and his administration have ignored the constitution and you can rest assured Trump, Hillary and Bernie will continue that road.  This election we need a candidate that will follow the constitution and right this country or we will be just a memory in volumes of history.  The choice is ours to make.  Will we make the right choice, or vote to destroy ourselves?  Remember, we have nearly a $20 Trillion deficit that no candidate has addressed to reduce and unless we have cuts in government, we will bankrupt ourselves.  This is our choice.  Rhetoric that may sound good where the voter says, “that is what I want to hear”, better make sure the candidate making these claims can actually perform using the constitution. 

You will not get your information from the news media either through the print, the three major networks and CNN, MSNBC, Fox Business and News network as well as CNBC or Bloomberg news.  If you have not realized this yet, you have better wake up and do more research.  Decide for yourself and do not let a talking head sway your vote. 

Most networks have not been reporting some of the bullying tactics that some of the Trump followers used against those who are anti-Trump and attend these rallies and some physical confrontations have resulted.   I guess history would be repeating itself if these bullies were wearing brown shirts. 


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