Monday, February 15, 2016

Republican Debate

Watched the Republican debate Saturday night and all I can say is these candidates are destroying each other.  I do believe Donald Trump showed his true colors in this debate that he is a narcissistic, egotistical as well as a bully trying to threaten and intimidate his opposition for the nomination. His behavior was or what appeared to be anti-social.  Either my way or the highway.  Do we want a president who will not accept a difference of opinion that our present president seems to reject?  A president must show respect for others even if they disagree with your position on an issue, but since this primary season started, The Donald has not and seems will not.  It other words, if elected we will see a continuation of what we have in the White House today.   I hope the American voter awakens before it is too late.

It also appears that the Republican Party do not want Ted Cruz nominated or elected as their honeymoon in congress will be over as he would be expose their shenanigans.  This goes for both parties.  The usual RINO’s are attacking and getting their attacks dog on the attack.   In addition, the liberal news media want Donald Trump as the Republican nominee against any democrat as this would create a money maker for holding a debate and they are also leading the offense against Cruz.  Of course, the Republicans do not want Donald either, but Donald can be bought, contrary to what he claims.  Also, it seems Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio are the only candidates that believe in the constitution as written. 
As for bankruptcy, four of Donald’s company filed for bankruptcy and none of these affected Donald financially, but did adversely affect his investors.  It appears Donald is proud of not being adversely affected thru bankruptcy, but did nothing for his investors.  After Donald gets investors to put up for his projects and if they go under, he does not lose. 
Humble, The Donald is not.  In fact, Donald did not answer the one question given to him that if a person in his company disagreed with his action would he listen to that person.  Donald ignored that question and went off on his rant.  Something he does often rather that answer the question with specifics.  Then again, he is not specific, just demeaning rhetoric we do not need in a president.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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