Monday, February 22, 2016

Apple and the FBI

This would seem like a simple problem to resolve by giving Apple the phone and have them unlock the device.  But we must remember the people and trust they have in our government.  We have seen Fast and Furious, which the government lied about, NSC spying on the American people, which the government denied, IRS scandal where this agency went after those who were in opposition to the Obama administration and this government has used the EPA to go after their opposition.    Of course, we could talk about the lies associated with Benghazi, but I am sure you get the picture.   There is a complete lack of faith in our government today, that they would use this information they could get from Apple to use against the American people.  The contents of the phone should be opened, but how that is done should only be in the hands of Apple or any other company that develops such encryption.    One would think that our government would be able to employ government workers that have the expertise to design a program that could address these situations.  But, how many times has our government agencies been hacked and we hear all kinds of excuses why. 

There are good arguments on both sides of the issue and both sides may be right.  But since Obama has taken office, we are witnessing George Orwell’s 1984 right before our eyes, just 30 plus years later.   The people are witnessing lies and dishonesty in our government and they do not want more of the same.   


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