Friday, February 26, 2016

Donald Trump’s anger

It appears from the debate last night that Donald can give it but cannot take it.  When confronted with the truth that exposes many of his lies, he becomes belligerent and attempts to cloud over the accusations with the usual rhetoric that this guy is a liar and that guy is clueless. 

When questioned by Wolf Blitzer on how he would get Mexico to pay for the wall, he went into his usual rhetoric that he will make the wall so big and Mexico will pay for it.  He has always refused to say how Mexico will pay for the wall, among his other claims.  Donald makes a lot of noise, but cannot back his claims with facts, but does his best to use his usual tactic of outrageous claims against his opponents. 
Cruz and Rubio have not been lying on the facts they have been throwing at Donald, and Donald avoids responding by making what has been shown to be false accusations against both.  But it was obvious during this debate that Donald cannot accept as true what he has said over the past year even if there is video of his words.  The Donald does not like being told he was a liar when he is making that accusation against his opponents.  It is okay for him to level these charges against his opponents, but his narcissistic, egotistical personality cannot accept the truth.  It is still amazing how some supporters cannot see the false accusations Donald has been leveling against his opponents.  Give but cannot take it.  His explosive behavior is not what you want in a president who will be dealing with leaders of other countries with diverse personalities.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Who is the Campaign Liar in Chief?

So, today we heard another outrageous speech from Donald Trump that seemed to have accused Ted Cruz of being a liar and may have something wrong with him.  To find the truth, one must listen clearly to what Donald has said within the past year and what he is claiming he did not say today.  So, in order to defend his previous statements that are being brought to the surface, he goes on a verbal visceral against Ted Cruz or even Marco Rubio.  It just depends on who is calling Donald out on what he said.  You must search for Donald’s speeches over the past few years and what he has been saying today.  Of course, Donald would like us to believe he had an Epiphany, but it is obvious when he gets caught he resorts to the gutter talk.  His supporters are so blind by what he says today, that it just goes over their heads.  One must listen clearly to what every candidate is saying and use the internet to see what their speech trails says. 

As for finding the truth in every candidate, again one must search for answers.  We know already, the next time Hillary tells the truth will be the first.  Donald just mixes his lies in with some truth statements.  Although, he may not be the choice of the so-called establishment, he can be bought.  Just have to know the art of the deal.  With the suspension of the Bush campaign, Marco Rubio is not becoming the candidate for the establishment.  Of course this is the reason why the voters are angry because of the establishment selecting the candidate they want us to vote for.  Gov. Kasich is a good man, but still is associated with the establishment, but is not seeing the money flowing his way as Rubio is sucking the establishment money dry.   Dr. Carson would be a good president as he has shown his ability to absorb and understand the issues, but he is not verbally offensive, speaks softly. But you can understand what he is saying.  Cruz, like Carson, believes in the constitution as written and believes if we do not get back to the constitution, we will destroy ourselves. 

This election is about our survival.  Will we continue as a Democratic Republic or vote our demise by embracing a socialist form of government.  Again, can anyone name any country where socialism has been successful?  All it does is destroy people lives.  All around the world people flee to come to this country.  We are not contemplating erecting a wall to keep people in, but to prevent terrorist and illegals from entering.  Some countries do their best to keep their citizens from fleeing.  In the United States, our citizens do not flee on flimsy boats, planes and trains to exit.  Tell that to Bernie. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Apple and the FBI

This would seem like a simple problem to resolve by giving Apple the phone and have them unlock the device.  But we must remember the people and trust they have in our government.  We have seen Fast and Furious, which the government lied about, NSC spying on the American people, which the government denied, IRS scandal where this agency went after those who were in opposition to the Obama administration and this government has used the EPA to go after their opposition.    Of course, we could talk about the lies associated with Benghazi, but I am sure you get the picture.   There is a complete lack of faith in our government today, that they would use this information they could get from Apple to use against the American people.  The contents of the phone should be opened, but how that is done should only be in the hands of Apple or any other company that develops such encryption.    One would think that our government would be able to employ government workers that have the expertise to design a program that could address these situations.  But, how many times has our government agencies been hacked and we hear all kinds of excuses why. 

There are good arguments on both sides of the issue and both sides may be right.  But since Obama has taken office, we are witnessing George Orwell’s 1984 right before our eyes, just 30 plus years later.   The people are witnessing lies and dishonesty in our government and they do not want more of the same.   


Will Donald Trump be the next Maximilien de Robespierre

It is amazing how history has a tendency to repeat itself.  Maybe not to this extreme, but there are similarities.

At age 30, Robespierre was elected to the Estates General of the French legislature. He became increasingly popular with the people for his attacks on the French monarchy and his advocacy for democratic reforms. He also opposed the death penalty and slavery. Some of his colleagues saw his refusal to compromise and his rigid stand against all authority as extreme and impractical. After a time he left the legislature to push his agenda outside of government

On July 27, 1793, Maximilien Robespierre was elected to the Committee of Public Safety, formed to oversee the government with virtual dictatorial control. Faced with pressures both from the outside and from within, the Revolutionary government instituted the Reign of Terror in September. In the next 11 months, 300,000 suspected enemies of the Revolution were arrested and more than 17,000 were executed, most by guillotine. In the orgy of bloodshed, Robespierre was able to eliminate many of his political opponents.

Remember, Hitler was elected to make Germany great again and voice his objection to the Treaty of Versailles that was partly to mostly responsible for destroying Germany’s economy.  So, the door was opened for Hitler.  And years later when the German people realized what they elected, it was too late.

Robespierre and Hitler saw the opportunity to make their countries great again and it ended in destruction of what they wanted to do to their country.  The American voter had better wake up before they realize what they are supporting will destroy them and our country. Know history before it is too late.  Trump is out to make Trump great again and he will do what Obama administration has been doing, using government agencies to go after his enemies.  Who are they?  Those that disagree with him on any issue.  Notice how he has been attacking his fellow republican candidates with such visceral.  

This country will not survive Trump, Hillary or Bernie.  Our past will just be a memory.  Power not to the people, but to the leaders to control the people.  That is why the democrats have what is called, “Superdelegates” so the party will make sure they get to select the candidate they want, not what the people vote for.  As for the republicans, they are going after everyone that might expose their hypocrisy.  Trump is a deal maker and through his deals the RINO republicans will remain in power and both the democrats and republicans will do anything to remain in power, even if the country will be destroyed.  If destroyed as we know it, they will still remain in power.  The voters are angry at Washington, but the parties are doing their best to manipulate the voting process to get the candidate they want or can be used. 

Obama and his administration have ignored the constitution and you can rest assured Trump, Hillary and Bernie will continue that road.  This election we need a candidate that will follow the constitution and right this country or we will be just a memory in volumes of history.  The choice is ours to make.  Will we make the right choice, or vote to destroy ourselves?  Remember, we have nearly a $20 Trillion deficit that no candidate has addressed to reduce and unless we have cuts in government, we will bankrupt ourselves.  This is our choice.  Rhetoric that may sound good where the voter says, “that is what I want to hear”, better make sure the candidate making these claims can actually perform using the constitution. 

You will not get your information from the news media either through the print, the three major networks and CNN, MSNBC, Fox Business and News network as well as CNBC or Bloomberg news.  If you have not realized this yet, you have better wake up and do more research.  Decide for yourself and do not let a talking head sway your vote. 

Most networks have not been reporting some of the bullying tactics that some of the Trump followers used against those who are anti-Trump and attend these rallies and some physical confrontations have resulted.   I guess history would be repeating itself if these bullies were wearing brown shirts. 


Friday, February 19, 2016

Our Constitution

Our constitution is only supposed to be changed through the amendment process as described in the constitution.  This is the only way we should expect change.  Now with the death of Justice Scalia, we are in a dispute on whether we should appoint a liberal or conservative Justice.  In reality, we should not be having this discussion.  Nowhere in our constitution or Federalist Papers does it stipulate that the constitution can be changed through the court system, whether it is a lower court or the Supreme Court.  But what we have seen over the years is the court taken it upon themselves to claim the constitution is an old document and does not meet present day situations and was more suited for the 18th and 19th century.  Therefore, they like to claim the constitution is a living, breathing document that through the court system can be altered.  However, there is no section in the constitution that authorizes such action.  Judicial activisms is what we are dealing with and why we see a fight over who gets selected to the Supreme Court.  This really should be a simple process of selecting a jurist that would support the constitution as written and can only be changed through the amendment process.  One would think, (the three most important words) this would be the case, but alas we argue over a nominee because we have allowed the courts to dictate what the constitution means in today’s day and age.  That is why our Bill of Rights are in jeopardy of being reduced through unelected judges who decide cases by their ideology.  That is why judges like Scalia are the type we need on the bench.  Those who believe in the constitution as written, unlike some justices we have on the bench today.  Our God given rights guaranteed in our constitution are in jeopardy because some people believe that our rights should come from government (Obama) and not God.  That is why we are witnessing a fight over the Supreme Court nominee.  With an activist court, we will lose our guaranteed rights and become another Europe where speech, religion, unlawful search and seizure and the right to possess a firearm will be lost.  This is how important this next election is.  Our liberties are at stake.   Hopefully, the voters will wake up or this may be our last free election. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Justice Scalia Funeral

So, it being reported and verified by Press Secretary Josh Earnest that our great leader will not be attending the funeral of Justice Scalia.  With the weather reported to be in the 60’s on Saturday, I wonder if he has a golf date.  But the actual reason may be Justice Scalia was a Christian and not a Muslim.  Would we expect otherwise from our great leader?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trump, the real democrat?

If you listen to Trump’s message he is essentially using the democratic talking points when he attacks the other republican candidates.  Contrary to what Trump says, he gets his facts wrong and covers his lies and innuendoes with outlandish statements of half-truths and untruths.   It appears his supporters do not research his statements that in essence are lies followed by more lies.  Remember his views of a few years ago followed the democratic talking points and many do today.  So, if by some freak of nature he gets elected, we will see no change between him and Hillary as president.  They both voice the same talking points, except Trump does it in a bully, bombastic attack.  Listen and verify his words.  Trump is saying one thing when history shows he said something different.  However, when the news media is lazy and will not report the truth (Surprise?) in their attempt to manipulate the primary process to get the candidates they want and not what the voters want.  Trump cannot accept any negative comments on his positions and uses his outlandish, aggressive behavior to bury the negativity with his rhetoric.  As I have said many times with Obama, listen to what is being said and then watch what is being done.  Trump is doing the same thing.  He is going to make our country great again in all areas.  Military, immigration, economy, trade and the famous wall, but it short on specifics.  Makes one wonder if he will circumvent the constitution like the Obama administration.  Something to think about.   

Supreme Court and Our Constitution

Our Founding Fathers wanted the Supreme Court nominee to be a lifetime appointment to avoid political interference from whoever is president if they went to a limited term.  However, we see that unfortunately this is not the case and that is why we see the current debate.  The Founders believed that whoever was appointed to the court would interpret cases according to what is written in the constitution.  That is, if the constitution as written does not address the issue, then the ruling should say the issue is unconstitutional.  But we now have Justices who argue that the constitution is over 200 years old and must change to the present times.  Others claim that the only way to change the constitution is through the amendment process that our Founders wrote into the constitution.   The Founders knew, in the future issues may arise and provided a method to make changes.  However, we are witnessing those who believe the constitution is a living, breathing document that changes over the years to meet present day issues.  This way they can get the courts to alter the constitution without following the process outlined in the amendment process.  Rather than have 38 states vote for changing the constitution, the left wants the court to do that.  Thus we see this being played out through the Justice Scalia death.  If courts are allowed to change the constitution, we will lose many of our rights that are supposed be guaranteed in our constitution.  The constitution should only be changed through the amendment process and any other way, we will go the way of Europe where your rights under the Bill of Rights will be diminished.  If you do not think this will happen, you are a fool.  Whether you are a liberal or conservative, you will not want to lose what our constitution has guarantees for over 225 years.  Any appointment must be a strict constitutionalist. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Republican Debate

Watched the Republican debate Saturday night and all I can say is these candidates are destroying each other.  I do believe Donald Trump showed his true colors in this debate that he is a narcissistic, egotistical as well as a bully trying to threaten and intimidate his opposition for the nomination. His behavior was or what appeared to be anti-social.  Either my way or the highway.  Do we want a president who will not accept a difference of opinion that our present president seems to reject?  A president must show respect for others even if they disagree with your position on an issue, but since this primary season started, The Donald has not and seems will not.  It other words, if elected we will see a continuation of what we have in the White House today.   I hope the American voter awakens before it is too late.

It also appears that the Republican Party do not want Ted Cruz nominated or elected as their honeymoon in congress will be over as he would be expose their shenanigans.  This goes for both parties.  The usual RINO’s are attacking and getting their attacks dog on the attack.   In addition, the liberal news media want Donald Trump as the Republican nominee against any democrat as this would create a money maker for holding a debate and they are also leading the offense against Cruz.  Of course, the Republicans do not want Donald either, but Donald can be bought, contrary to what he claims.  Also, it seems Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Marco Rubio are the only candidates that believe in the constitution as written. 
As for bankruptcy, four of Donald’s company filed for bankruptcy and none of these affected Donald financially, but did adversely affect his investors.  It appears Donald is proud of not being adversely affected thru bankruptcy, but did nothing for his investors.  After Donald gets investors to put up for his projects and if they go under, he does not lose. 
Humble, The Donald is not.  In fact, Donald did not answer the one question given to him that if a person in his company disagreed with his action would he listen to that person.  Donald ignored that question and went off on his rant.  Something he does often rather that answer the question with specifics.  Then again, he is not specific, just demeaning rhetoric we do not need in a president.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Supreme Court/Justice Scalia

Since the death of Justice Scalia all we hear is who will Pres. Obama nominate and what type of potential justice will he select?  If we listen to the democrats, it must be a liberal and it must be done immediately since we cannot have decisions that would be 4 vs. 4.  As if they already know how the present justices will vote.  The republicans want the nomination be delayed until the people vote a new president and that new president will nominate a candidate after January 20, 2017.  Both parties present good arguments according to their ideology.  The democrats believe that the constitution is a living breathing document and that the courts can change or alter the constitution.  The republicans believe a conservative should be nominated and the constitution should be interpreted as written and any changes to the constitution must be through the amendment process.  This was the position of Justice Scalia and our Founding Fathers. 

We now know how forward thinking our Founders were when they put the constitution together.  They knew if they did not put in the constitution the amendment process, we would not recognize the document today as the party in power would change the constitution according to their ideology of their time.  This is what our Founding Fathers wanted to prevent and yet over the past 60 years we have seen both political parties trying to manipulate the system. 

The person appointed to the Supreme Court must be one who believes in the constitution as written and all cases presented in the Supreme Court must be decided according to that constitution.  This justice must also understand the Federalist Papers that defined why the constitution was written as it is and why it can only be changed through the amendment process and not jurist prudence. 

What we have is one side wants to change to constitution to a liberal/socialist/Marxist form of government and the other side wants the constitution interpreted as written. 

Contrary to what you may be told, our country is in a crisis and if we do not have a justice appointed that believes in the constitution as written, we will cease to be a Republic form of government that will result in our president, whoever that may be, becoming a dictator and our constitution only important to the party in power as they will pick and choose what part of the constitution they will comply with.  In fact, Congress will become obsolete. 

The Senate has the power to accept or reject the president’s appointment after senate hearing and the president has the authority to keep proposing a candidate until the candidates becomes acceptable.  The president should be encouraged to submit a candidate that would be acceptable to both parties.  The big question, is, will the president place ideology over the constitution and destroy this country or realize that this decision will have consequences that even he will not control. 

The only way to get an accurate idea on any candidate is reviewing that candidate’s decisions and writings that would give an insight to how he views our constitution.  The constitution must be preserved or we will not.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Clinton Campaign

So, as Hillary sees her popularity sleeping, especially among young females, she brings out her big gun, her husband Bill.  Of course, mentioning the fact that young females were not following her, she brings out somebody who would not hesitate when young females are involved.  So, her husband starts accusing the Sanders campaign of sexism.  This is so outrageous, that I have to say that again.  The Clintons are accusing the Sanders campaign of sexism.  How we forget Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades while in the White House and how Hillary ridiculed the female victims of her husband actions.  Yet, they have the audacity to call Sanders people sexist.  Oh, remember, if you are a female and you do not support Hillary you are going to hell, so says Madeline Albright.  Of course with the Clinton’s quid pro quo and the Clinton Foundation among other corruption going back to Arkansas, I think you may go to heaven if you do not support Hillary.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Obama’s Mosque Visit

President Obama visited a Mosque today that has an interesting history.  The Mosque controlled by Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim civil rights group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in 2008 Holy Land Foundation terror case.   Mohammad Adam el-Sheikh who served as ISB’s Imam from 1994-2003 was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  We all know the Muslim Brotherhood that Hillary and Pres. Obama cheered when they won election in Egypt to govern to the dismay of many in Egypt.  Of course, the Egyptian people finally awoke and overthrow this terrorist organization.

Previously, in 2009, while Pres. Obama was making his world tour criticizing the United States, he stated one of the most beautiful sounds he ever heard was the Mosque call to prayer.  I guess he heard that call and has decided to go back home to his first religious faith.  Josh Earnest indicated this visit will be an opportunity to celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans made to our nation.  So, I decided to research that statement looking for Muslim contributions.  I did not see any Muslims sign the Declaration of Independence, involved in developing our constitution or volunteering in our revolutionary army or even a large number of Muslim hospitals that other religious groups have. 

However, I did find other contributions such as 9/11, Boston Bombing, San Bernardino, Ft. Hood and numerous other terrorist attacks.  Then again, these were attacks on us and not us attacking Muslims. 
It appears the president is performing his American Mosque apology tour.  Even though our great leader refuses to say Radical Islamic Terrorism, he also has yet to discuss the Islamic Terrorist that attempted to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer.  But, in reality, would be expect otherwise.