Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Planned Parenthood Videos

So far, two videos have been released showing Planned Parenthood describing how to perform abortions in order to salvage body parts for research.  Naturally, the pro-death people are aghast that someone would actually produce such a secret recording.  Of course they are berating the producers of the video for taking such action and not showing disgust for what is being said on the videos.  They argue the video was edited when in fact the entire video is approximately two hours long and anyone can watch the video if they wish.  But the pro-death advocates don’t want the public to do so since it will show that their argument has no validity.  As a people, we have made great strides in preserving human life unlike what the Nazis did when they used exterminating camps to destroy life.  In fact, Hitler was so enthralled by founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger’s eugenics ideas, he implemented them.  How far we have come.  Planned Parenthood considers life viable after birth but as long as the baby is in the womb, it can be murdered and depending on how the murder is performed, you can salvage body parts for sale.  Through improvements in technology, we now know that life begins at conception, a beating heart can be detected between 18 to 21 days and an ultrasound can verify that the womb contains a live human being.  So, now life becomes cheap, we see a collapse of respect for life throughout society, morality on the decline and some of us wonder where we went wrong as a society.  Well, now you know.

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