Friday, July 10, 2015

Capitalism vs. socialism, Marxism and communism and the Pope

Today the Pope seemed to indicate that capitalism has created the poverty problems we see in the world today.  This is an interesting statement from someone who is knowledgeable and respected on religious issues within the Catholic Church, but on other issues is a little confused to say the least. 

The United States, as compared to other countries that have been in existence long before we gained our independence as a Republic, has grown to be the most dominate economic and military country in world history.  We accomplished all this within 230 years.  Now, why is that?  Because we allowed the individual to exceed with limited government regulations through the entrepreneur spirit of our citizens.  When you can develop company starting in your garage or basement and the company becomes a leading world company shows what we can do and have done through entrepreneurship. 
The United States is also the leading country in charitable donations worldwide and when there is destruction in the world due to earthquakes, floods and other calamities, we are usually the first country on the scene through our military bringing much needed supplies and manpower.   No other country has the capability to do this.  Through our naval ships, we are also able to produce over 50,000 gallons of drinking water for those in need.  Again, name another country capable of doing this.  In fact, name a socialist, Marxist or communist country capable of doing all we have done. 
Socialist, Marxist and communist only destroy countries as history has shown in the past.  The Soviet Union, Eastern communist countries, present day Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Greece, the other Eurozone countries that are on the brink and today China that will eventually implode. 
So today we hear from the Pope on the evils of capitalism when we know he was educated grew up under socialism and Marxism government and ideology.  The countries of South America embraced this ideology and have themselves to blame.  Under this ideology, only the political elite enjoy the benefits that others enjoy and not the people they are supposed to help.  In Russia the communist all had their Dacha ( summer residence) Castro had his villas, Ortega in Venezuela had their residences and unlimited supplies of food and other items, North Korea elite do not go hungry or live in unheated homes as well as what the members of the communist party enjoy in China.  In our country we have our great leader, Obama enjoying the great life, traveling when he wants, eating what he wants, ( Michele approves) golfing for free and anything else he wants while telling the people how they are suffering from income inequality and cannot make it without the government help.  Of course, before him and his Saul Alinsky ideology, we did all right as a country.  Yes, we had and have our ups and downs, but we have survived them and came out better.  The question to ask, will we survive 8 years of Obama and God help us with a continuation of his policies if Hillary ever got elected.  We have seen nearly 7 years of Obama lying to the American people and today are witnessing the over 20 years of lies by Hillary.  When will the American people wake up and realize this?  When will the Pope awaken and realize that history has shown that capitalism is responsible for the improvement of lives throughout the world not socialism, Marxism and communism that have only destroyed lives?

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