Monday, July 13, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s Economic Plan

Very simple to understand.  Tax the rich, spend, spend and spend.  We are seeing this today under Obamanomics that has resulted in a stagnant economy and income decline.  The lowest worker participation rate in over 40 years and a false unemployment rate of 5.2% when the real unemployment is between 12% and 20% that is acknowledged by everyone who understands our economy.  Why, because when a person stops receiving unemployment benefits, they are dropped from the unemployment rate resulting in a decline.  Again, you also have those who took any job they could get rather than have no income or are working two or even three jobs to provide for their family.  Not what is being reported factually.   Then we do not want to dwell on Obamacare where people businesses have resorted to having workers do 29 hours when Obama and company believe 30 hours is full time employment.  As I have said repeatedly, and Margaret Thatcher also, “you eventually run out of other people’s money”.  If you own a business, you need to make money to stay in business and provide income for yourself and family.  Under Obamanomics and the Hillarynomics, government is the answer not the individual entrepreneur.  Private businesses are the employer not government. When government spends, that money comes from somewhere, like from your paycheck.   Contrary to what Obama and Hillary claim, the middle income people suffer under their socialist ideology agenda.  History has proven this, but in giving speeches it sounds good and the clueless vote for them, but will never receive the benefits promised from the campaign speeches.  Understand, in socialist, Marxist and communist countries, you have the rich and the poor, no middle income population.

Less government regulations and tax breaks for all, has shown that this increases economic growth.  Our country is the prime example not South America, Europe, Cuba, Russia, North Korea and China where the bubble is about to burst under the communist controlled capitalism where false data is coming home to roost.  But we are in a stagnant economy today due to a tremendous government regulations that is stifling business thus decreasing employment and income of the employee. 

By the way, Hillary likes attacking bankers and Wall Street where most of her campaign funds come from.  In addition, when she attacks the rich, she should look in the mirror where her and her husband made over $25 million dollars last year.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we all could get $300,000 to $500,000 a speech? 

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